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result(s) for
"Hodge, Susie"
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The Art and Design Teacher’s Handbook
This comprehensive handbook provides art teachers with practical advice on -planning effective lessons -developing imaginative ideas for teaching art across the age ranges -developing students' creative, technical and critical skills -preparing students for coursework and exams This book is a must for all secondary art and design teachers, whether still in training, newly qualified or experienced.
Resources for Teaching History
Because teachers have so many things to do, creating new, inspiring lessons can often take a back seat. This book is designed to assist you in providing lesson ideas on everything from the Roman Empire to Martin Luther King. With more than 70 curriculum-linked lessons suitable for teaching 11-14-year-olds, this fabulously user-friendly resource features activities and teaching strategies based on the latest research and best practice. The practical, task-based activities are aimed at supporting and reinforcing your teaching, and promoting pupils' enjoyment of the subject; encouraging their curiosity and imagination and helping them to develop enquiring minds and engage with the past. There are activities for individual, pair and group work, and the worksheets are all photocopiable and downloadable. This is an essential resource for all secondary school history teachers: newly qualified, experienced and in training.
Art nouveau : 50 works of art you should know
\"This collection of the finest examples of art nouveau shows how the movement impacted every artistic discipline. The heyday of the art nouveau style was relatively short, spanning the decades immediately before and after 1900. However, it was [an] ... important period, not only for its radical shift away from the academic and romantic movements of the late 19th century, but also for its embrace of nature and natural forms. This ... book explores fifty of the most important works of the art nouveau style\"