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4 result(s) for "Carr, Richard, 1985- author"
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One Nation Britain
What is One Nation politics? What has it been, and what should be it be today? Since Ed Miliband's speech at the 2012 Labour Party Conference these questions have been much asked, but not so often clearly answered. Outlining the historical context, and offering suggestions for contemporary thinkers, this comprehensive overview shows how all three major UK political parties have made a significant contribution to the One Nation agenda over the past century and a half. Re-asserting the One Nation tradition inherent in interventionist liberals like Keynes and Lloyd George, it encourages us to look beyond reformist high Tory politicians such as Benjamin Disraeli and sketches out precedents for current politicians in areas such as house building, local government, the living wage, a financial transaction tax, and the welfare state. Providing an accessible guide to the One Nation ideal, Richard Carr gives those of all political persuasions some food for thought whilst pointing the way for future policy making.
Alice in Westminster : the political life of Alice Bacon
\"Alice Bacon was one of the twentieth-century's most remarkable female politicians. Born and raised in the Yorkshire town of Normanton, she defied the odds to be elected Labour MP for Leeds North East in the 1945 General Election. Famed in her home town for her unlikely love of sports cars, she was a much-respected, no-nonsense, hard-working representative for her beloved Yorkshire Westminster. Mentored by Herbert Morrison and Hugh Gaitskell, she rose through the party becoming a Home Office minister under Roy Jenkins and latterly an Education minister with responsibility for the introduction of comprehensive schools. In the Home Office in the 1960s she oversaw the introduction of substantial societal changes, including the abolition of the death penalty, the decriminalisation of homosexuality and the legalisation of abortion. Her political career spanned some of the most momentous decades in Britain's post-war history and she played an integral part in some of the most significant social, educational and political changes which the country has ever witnessed.\"-- Provided by publisher.
Veteran MPs and Conservative Politics in the Aftermath of the Great War
Between 1918 and 1939, 448 men who performed uniformed service in the First World War became Conservative MPs. This relatively high-profile cohort have been under-explored as a distinct body, yet a study of their experiences of the war and the ways in which they - and the Conservative Party - represented those experiences to the voting public reveals much about the political culture of Interwar Britain and the use of the Great War as political capital. Radicalised ex-servicemen have, thus far, been considered a rather continental phenomenon historiographically. And whilst attitudes to Hitler and Mussolini form part of this analysis, the study also explores why there were fewer such types in Britain. The Conservative Party, it will be shown, played a crucial part in such a process - with British politics serving as a contested space for survivors' interpretations of what the war should mean.