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138,632 result(s) for "Mass Spectrometry"
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Mass Spectrometry and Protein Analysis
Mass spectrometry is a central analytical technique for protein research and for the study of biomolecules in general. Driven by the need to identify, characterize, and quantify proteins at ever increasing sensitivity and in ever more complex samples, a wide range of new mass spectrometry-based analytical platforms and experimental strategies have emerged. Here we review recent advances in mass spectrometry instrumentation in the context of current and emerging research strategies in protein science.
Mass spectrometry imaging with high resolution in mass and space
Mass spectrometry (MS) imaging links molecular information and the spatial distribution of analytes within a sample. In contrast to most histochemical techniques, mass spectrometry imaging can differentiate molecular modifications and does not require labeling of targeted compounds. We have recently introduced the first mass spectrometry imaging method that provides highly specific molecular information (high resolution and accuracy in mass) at cellular dimensions (high resolution in space). This method is based on a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging source working at atmospheric pressure which is coupled to an orbital trapping mass spectrometer. Here, we present a number of application examples and demonstrate the benefit of ‘mass spectrometry imaging with high resolution in mass and space.’ Phospholipids, peptides and drug compounds were imaged in a number of tissue samples at a spatial resolution of 5–10 μm. Proteins were analyzed after on-tissue tryptic digestion at 50-μm resolution. Additional applications include the analysis of single cells and of human lung carcinoma tissue as well as the first MALDI imaging measurement of tissue at 3 μm pixel size. MS image analysis for all these experiments showed excellent correlation with histological staining evaluation. The high mass resolution ( R  = 30,000) and mass accuracy (typically 1 ppm) proved to be essential for specific image generation and reliable identification of analytes in tissue samples. The ability to combine the required high-quality mass analysis with spatial resolution in the range of single cells is a unique feature of our method. With that, it has the potential to supplement classical histochemical protocols and to provide new insights about molecular processes on the cellular level.
Methods in Plant Foliar Volatile Organic Compounds Research
Plants are a major atmospheric source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These secondary metabolic products protect plants from high-temperature stress, mediate in plant–plant and plant–insect communication, and affect our climate globally. The main challenges in plant foliar VOC research are accurate sampling, the inherent reactivity of some VOC compounds that makes them hard to detect directly, and their low concentrations. Plant VOC research relies on analytical techniques for trace gas analysis, usually based on gas chromatography and soft chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Until now, these techniques (especially the latter one) have been developed and used primarily by physicists and analytical scientists, who have used them in a wide range of scientific research areas (e.g., aroma, disease biomarkers, hazardous compound detection, atmospheric chemistry). The interdisciplinary nature of plant foliar VOC research has recently attracted the attention of biologists, bringing them into the field of applied environmental analytical sciences. In this paper, we review the sampling methods and available analytical techniques used in plant foliar VOC research to provide a comprehensive resource that will allow biologists moving into the field to choose the most appropriate approach for their studies.
Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics: a guide for annotation, quantification and best reporting practices
Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics approaches can enable detection and quantification of many thousands of metabolite features simultaneously. However, compound identification and reliable quantification are greatly complicated owing to the chemical complexity and dynamic range of the metabolome. Simultaneous quantification of many metabolites within complex mixtures can additionally be complicated by ion suppression, fragmentation and the presence of isomers. Here we present guidelines covering sample preparation, replication and randomization, quantification, recovery and recombination, ion suppression and peak misidentification, as a means to enable high-quality reporting of liquid chromatography- and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-based metabolomics-derived data.
High-sensitivity Orbitrap mass analysis of intact macromolecular assemblies
The analysis of intact protein assemblies in native-like states by mass spectrometry offers a wealth of information on their biochemical and biophysical properties. Here we show that the Orbitrap mass analyzer can be used to measure protein assemblies of molecular weights approaching one megadalton with sensitivity down to the detection of single ions. Minor instrumental modifications enabled the measurement of various protein assemblies with outstanding mass-spectral resolution.
DMSO enhances electrospray response, boosting sensitivity of proteomic experiments
We report that low percentages of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in liquid chromatography solvents lead to a strong enhancement of electrospray ionization of peptides, improving the sensitivity of protein identification in bottom-up proteomics by up to tenfold. The method can be easily implemented on any LC-MS/MS system without modification to hardware or software and at no additional cost.
The 3D OrbiSIMS-label-free metabolic imaging with subcellular lateral resolution and high mass-resolving power
We report the development of a 3D OrbiSIMS instrument for label-free biomedical imaging. It combines the high spatial resolution of secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS; under 200 nm for inorganic species and under 2 μm for biomolecules) with the high mass-resolving power of an Orbitrap (>240,000 at m/z 200). This allows exogenous and endogenous metabolites to be visualized in 3D with subcellular resolution. We imaged the distribution of neurotransmitters-gamma-aminobutyric acid, dopamine and serotonin-with high spectroscopic confidence in the mouse hippocampus. We also putatively annotated and mapped the subcellular localization of 29 sulfoglycosphingolipids and 45 glycerophospholipids, and we confirmed lipid identities with tandem mass spectrometry. We demonstrated single-cell metabolomic profiling using rat alveolar macrophage cells incubated with different concentrations of the drug amiodarone, and we observed that the upregulation of phospholipid species and cholesterol is correlated with the accumulation of amiodarone.
Recent progress in mass spectrometry-based strategies for elucidating protein–protein interactions
Protein–protein interactions are fundamental to various aspects of cell biology with many protein complexes participating in numerous fundamental biological processes such as transcription, translation and cell cycle. MS-based proteomics techniques are routinely applied for characterising the interactome, such as affinity purification coupled to mass spectrometry that has been used to selectively enrich and identify interacting partners of a bait protein. In recent years, many orthogonal MS-based techniques and approaches have surfaced including proximity-dependent labelling of neighbouring proteins, chemical cross-linking of two interacting proteins, as well as inferring PPIs from the co-behaviour of proteins such as the co-fractionating profiles and the thermal solubility profiles of proteins. This review discusses the underlying principles, advantages, limitations and experimental considerations of these emerging techniques. In addition, a brief account on how MS-based techniques are used to investigate the structural and functional properties of protein complexes, including their topology, stoichiometry, copy number and dynamics, are discussed.