The Maps and Atlases Library | MBRL
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We are developing a full calendar of exhibitions and events to include arts, culture, literature, media, music and more. Become a member to receive the latest information about our upcoming events.
Treasures of the Library
Our Treasures of the Library permanent exhibition on the Seventh Floor, displays a fascinating collection of rare and antiquarian books, atlases, and manuscripts dating back to the 13th century. The collection includes unique editions of the Holy Quran, early print editions of world literary classics and Latin translations of scholarly works from the Islamic Golden Age.
Among the rare exhibits is the first edition of Blaeu's Atlas Maior the crowning achievement of the famous 17th century Dutch cartographer Johannes Blaeu. Containing approximately 600 individual maps, the atlas was published in 1662 in eleven volumes. Experts regard the Atlas Maior as the most lavish atlas ever produced and it is certainly one of the most beautiful.
The Treasures of the Library also holds a first edition of Napoleon's Description de l'Égypte, an encyclopedic record of Egypt's antiquities, natural history and 18th century nation state. The publication's 34 volumes were produced by a team of hundreds of artists, scholars, engravers and other specialists during Napoleon Bonaparte's 1798-1801 military campaign in Egypt. The Description de l'Égypte is considered one of the greatest achievements of French publishing and a valuable historical record of 18th century Egypt.
Temporary exhibitions
Our Seventh Floor exhibitions area also provides space for temporary exhibitions and events. Check our event calendar for updates.