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وجه الفتاة! هناك خطأ ما.
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    إعادة تعيين
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      امسح الكل
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      امسح الكل
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      امسح الكل
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      مستوى القراءة
      امسح الكل
      مستوى القراءة
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      امسح الكل
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      المزيد من المرشحات
      امسح الكل
      المزيد من المرشحات
      نوع المحتوى
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    • لديه النص الكامل
    • الموضوع
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    • المُهدي
    • اللغة
    • مكان النشر
    • المؤلفين
    • الموقع
11 نتائج ل "Extinction (Biology) Juvenile literature."
صنف حسب:
Undescribed Juvenile Plumages of the Laysan Rail Or Crake (Zapornia palmeri: Frohawk, 1892) and A Detailed Chronology of Its Extinction
The extinct Laysan Rail or Crake (Zapornia palmeri) was a small, flightless rail endemic to Laysan Island in the northwestern chain of the Hawaiian Archipelago. I detail the collections made, including eggs, nests, juveniles, and numerous adults prior to its extinction. The juvenile plumage was seemingly well documented, but my study of a series of juvenile specimens collected in 1891 and 1896 provides hitherto undescribed molt changes, from downy chick to definitive plumage. Morphometric data show that sexual size dimorphism is present with males being slightly more robust in bill, legs, and feet. I provide a detailed review of the literature showing the chronology of events that led to the extinction of the species and how this easily could have been avoided.
Science vs. animal extinction
Examines the importance of biodiversity, discussing animals in crisis and ways science is fighting to counteract the impact mankind has had on the environment and endangered species.
Adapting to plant and animal extinctions
Explains what causes climate change and the consequences of plant and animal extinctions, and includes advice on saving endangered species and what individuals can do to help.
If elephants disappeared
\"Presented in picture-book format, this volume explores the potential global effects if African forest elephants were to become extinct.\"--Provided by publisher.
Impact! : asteroids and the science of saving the world
\"Asteroids come in all shapes and sizes--and hit our planet in them, too. But what happens if a catastrophically large one approaches earth? By looking on the ground at historical asteroid craters and present-day falls, and up into space for the big ones yet to come, a wide variety of scientists are trying to figure out how to track asteroids--and how to avoid devastating impacts in the future.\"-- Provided by publisher.