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125 نتائج ل "Hydraulic organ"
صنف حسب:
Isaac of Antioch’s Organ and the Media of Musical Subjects
This article examines an unstudied text by Isaac of Antioch (active latter half fifth century), in which he described a raucous festival in Antioch, filled with music and revelry. Isaac ruminated on the near-human, near-sentient qualities of musical instruments, and their subjecthood emerged strongly in relation to humans’ in his philosophical memra. At dawn one morning, Isaac was awakened by a water organ, which dictated to Isaac the psalmody for that morning. This article argues for Isaac’s rich exploration of relational mingling of humans, instruments and Psalms, that revealed a milieu of intersubjective richness before God.
Coordination of stem and leaf hydraulic conductance in southern California shrubs: a test of the hydraulic segmentation hypothesis
Coordination of water movement among plant organs is important for understanding plant water use strategies. The hydraulic segmentation hypothesis (HSH) proposes that hydraulic conductance in shorter lived, ‘expendable’ organs such as leaves and longer lived, more ‘expensive’ organs such as stems may be decoupled, with resistance in leaves acting as a bottleneck or ‘safety valve’. We tested the HSH in woody species from a Mediterranean-type ecosystem by measuring leaf hydraulic conductance (K leaf) and stem hydraulic conductivity (K S). We also investigated whether leaves function as safety valves by relating K leaf and the hydraulic safety margin (stem water potential minus the water potential at which 50% of conductivity is lost (Ψstem − Ψ50)). We also examined related plant traits including the operating range of water potentials, wood density, leaf mass per area, and leaf area to sapwood area ratio to provide insight into whole-plant water use strategies. For hydrated shoots, K leaf was negatively correlated with K S, supporting the HSH. Additionally, K leaf was positively correlated with the hydraulic safety margin and negatively correlated with the leaf area to sapwood area ratio. Consistent with the HSH, our data indicate that leaves may act as control valves for species with high K S, or a low safety margin. This critical role of leaves appears to contribute importantly to plant ecological specialization in a drought-prone environment.
Drought response strategies define the relative contributions of hydraulic dysfunction and carbohydrate depletion during tree mortality
Plant survival during drought requires adequate hydration in living tissues and carbohydrate reserves for maintenance and recovery. We hypothesized that tree growth and hydraulic strategy determines the intensity and duration of the ‘physiological drought’, thereby affecting the relative contributions of loss of hydraulic function and carbohydrate depletion during mortality. We compared patterns in growth rate, water relations, gas exchange and carbohydrate dynamics in three tree species subjected to prolonged drought. Two Eucalyptus species (E. globulus, E. smithii) exhibited high growth rates and water-use resulting in rapid declines in water status and hydraulic conductance. In contrast, conservative growth and water relations in Pinus radiata resulted in longer periods of negative carbon balance and significant depletion of stored carbohydrates in all organs. The ongoing demand for carbohydrates from sustained respiration highlighted the role that duration of drought plays in facilitating carbohydrate consumption. Two drought strategies were revealed, differentiated by plant regulation of water status: plants maximized gas exchange, but were exposed to low water potentials and rapid hydraulic dysfunction; and tight regulation of gas exchange at the cost of carbohydrate depletion. These findings provide evidence for a relationship between hydraulic regulation of water status and carbohydrate depletion during terminal drought.
Decline of Leaf Hydraulic Conductance with Dehydration: Relationship to Leaf Size and Venation Architecture
Across plant species, leaves vary enormously in their size and their venation architecture, of which one major function is to replace water lost to transpiration. The leaf hydraulic conductance (K leaf ) represents the capacity of the transport system to deliver water, allowing stornata to remain open for photosynthesis. Previous studies showed that K leaf relates to vein density (vein length per area). Additionally, venation architecture determines the sensitivity of K leaf to damage; severing the midrib caused K leaf and gas exchange to decline, with lesser impacts in leaves with higher major vein density that provided more numerous water flow pathways around the damaged vein. Because xylem embolism during dehydration also reduces K leaf , we hypothesized that higher major vein density would also reduce hydraulic vulnerability. Smaller leaves, which generally have higher major vein density, would thus have lower hydraulic vulnerability. Tests using simulations with a spatially explicit model confirmed that smaller leaves with higher major vein density were more tolerant of major vein embolism. Additionally, for 10 species ranging strongly in drought tolerance, hydraulic vulnerability, determined as the leaf water potential at 50% and 80% loss of K leaf , was lower with greater major vein density and smaller leaf size (|r| = 0.85-0.90; P < 0.01). These relationships were independent of other aspects of physiological and morphological drought tolerance. These findings point to a new functional role of venation architecture and small leaf size in drought tolerance, potentially contributing to well-known biogeographic trends in leaf size.
Testing hypotheses that link wood anatomy to cavitation resistance and hydraulic conductivity in the genus Acer
• Vulnerability to cavitation and conductive efficiency depend on xylem anatomy. We tested a large range of structure-function hypotheses, some for the first time, within a single genus to minimize phylogenetic ‘noise' and maximize detection of functionally relevant variation. • This integrative study combined in-depth anatomical observations using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy of seven Acer taxa, and compared these observations with empirical measures of xylem hydraulics. • Our results reveal a 2 MPa range in species' mean cavitation pressure (MCP). MCP was strongly correlated with intervessel pit structure (membrane thickness and porosity, chamber depth), weakly correlated with pit number per vessel, and not related to pit area per vessel. At the tissue level, there was a strong correlation between MCP and mechanical strength parameters, and some of the first evidence is provided for the functional significance of vessel grouping and thickenings on inner vessel walls. In addition, a strong trade-off was observed between xylem-specific conductivity and MCP. Vessel length and intervessel wall characteristics were implicated in this safety-efficiency trade-off. • Cavitation resistance and hydraulic conductivity in Acer appear to be controlled by a very complex interaction between tissue, vessel network and pit characteristics.
global analysis of xylem vessel length in woody plants
• Premise of the study: Vessels are the chief conduit for long-distance water transport in the majority of flowering plants. Vessel length is a key trait that determines plant hydraulic efficiency and safety, yet relatively little is known about this xylem feature.• Methods: We used previously published studies to generate a new global data set of vessel length in woody plants. These data were used to examine how evolutionary history, plant habit, environment, and growth ring porosity influenced vessel length. We also examined the relationship between mean vessel length and mean vessel diameter and maximum vessel length.• Key results: Data on mean vessel length were available for stems of 130 species and on maximum vessel length for stems of 91 species. A phylogenetic analysis indicated that vessel length did not exhibit significant phylogenetic signal. Liana species had longer vessel lengths than in tree or shrub species. Vessel diameter was not predictive of mean vessel length, but maximum vessel length strongly predicted mean vessel length. Vessel length did not vary between species that differed in growth ring porosity.• Conclusions: Many traits often assumed to be linked to vessel length, including growth ring porosity and vessel diameter, are not associated with vessel length when compared interspecifically. Sampling for vessel length has been nonrandom, e.g., there are virtually no data available for roots, and sampling for environment has been confounded with sampling for habit. Increased knowledge of vessel length is key to understanding the structure and function of the plant hydraulic pathway.
Low root reserve accumulation during drought may lead to winter mortality in poplar seedlings
Climate models suggest that more frequent drought events of greater severity and length, associated with climate change, can be expected in the coming decades. Although drought-induced tree mortality has been recognized as an important factor modulating forest demography at the global scale, the mechanisms underlying drought-induced tree mortality remain contentious. Above- and below-ground growth, gas exchange, water relations and carbon reserve accumulation dynamics at the organ and whole-plant scale were quantified in Populus tremuloides and P. balsamifera seedlings in response to severe drought. Seedlings were maintained in drought conditions over one growing and one dormant winter season. Our experiment presents a detailed description of the effect of severe drought on growth and physiological variables, leading to seedling mortality after an extended period of drought and dormancy. After re-watering following the dormant period, drought-exposed seedlings did not re-flush, showing that the root system had died off. The results of this study suggest a complex series of physiological feedbacks between the measured variables in both Populus species. Further, they reveal that reduced reserve accumulation in the root system during drought decreases the conversion of starch to soluble sugars in roots, which may contribute to the root death of drought-exposed seedlings during the dormant season by compromising the frost tolerance of the root system.
Modelling water fluxes in plants
Models of plant water fluxes have evolved from studies focussed on understanding the detailed structure and functioning of specific components of the soil–plant–atmosphere (SPA) continuum to architectures often incorporated inside eco-hydrological and terrestrial biosphere (TB) model schemes. We review here the historical evolution of this field, examine the basic structure of a simplified individual-based model of plant water transport, highlight selected applications for specific ecological problems and conclude by examining outstanding issues requiring further improvements in modelling vegetation water fluxes. We particularly emphasise issues related to the scaling from tissue-level traits to individual-based predictions of water transport, the representation of nonlinear and hysteretic behaviour in soil–xylem hydraulics and the need to incorporate knowledge of hydraulics within broader frameworks of plant ecological strategies and their consequences for predicting community demography and dynamics.