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769 نتائج ل "Actors and actresses Fiction."
صنف حسب:
Performance Predictions of Sci-Fi Films via Machine Learning
The films teenagers watch have a significant influence on their behavior. After witnessing a film starring an actor with a particular social habit or personality trait, viewers, particularly youngsters, may attempt to adopt the actor’s behavior. This study proposes an algorithm-based technique for predicting the market potential of upcoming science fiction films. Numerous science fiction films are released annually, and working in the film industry is both profitable and delightful. Before the film’s release, it is necessary to conduct research and make informed predictions about its success. In this investigation, different machine learning methods written in MATLAB are examined to identify and forecast the future performance of movies. Using 14 methods for machine learning, it was feasible to predict how individuals would vote on science fiction films. Due to their superior performance, the fine, medium, and weighted KNN algorithms were given more consideration. In comparison to earlier studies, the KNN-adopted methods displayed greater precision (0.89–0.93), recall (0.88–0.92), and accuracy (90.1–93.0%), as well as a rapid execution rate, more robust estimations, and a shorter execution time. These tabulated statistics illustrate that the weighted KNN method is effective and trustworthy. If several KNN algorithms targeting specific viewer behavior are logically coupled, the film business and its global expansion can benefit from precise and consistent forecast outcomes. This study illustrates how prospective data analytics could improve the film industry. It is possible to develop a model that predicts a film’s success, effect, and social behavior by assessing features that contribute to its success based on historical data.
Curtain up! : a book for young performers
Follows Amaya as she auditions for a role in a professional production of a musical through the audition process to the costume fittings, rehearsals--even the stage fright--and performance, in a book that includes a glossary of theatrical terms.
Bowie and Science Fiction / Bowie as Science Fiction
Directed by Mark Romanek, the video returns to Bowie's fascination with science fiction and recalls his brief appearance in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. The apocalyptic world depicted-which features Bowie singing at the top of a futuristic corporate building before finally jumping to his death at the end-is interspersed with sequences that draw heavily on Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey (the backing singers are dressed like the air hostesses on 2001's Pan Am space plane), Chris Marker's La jetée (1962) (the images of Bowie being mind-tortured while wearing a virtual reality headset), and Jean-Luc Godard's film Alphaville (1965) (Bowie's angular, jerky movements at the beginning of the video, which mimic those of characters in corridors in Alphaville who have lost their connection to real space-time gravity).According to Ryan M. Milner, through reappropriation memes can develop a dense and vibrant complexity that is reliant on intertextual connections.[...]the aliases as the chameleon of pop, the Tall Pale Earl and Xavi Moonburst are similar to Bowie's aliases and characters as the chameleon of rock, the Thin White Duke and Ziggy Stardust, respectively.32 Continuing the association of Bowie and science fiction, the popular sci-fi and fantasy role-playing game EarthBound (Nintendo, 1994), which was designed by Shigesato Itoi (a Bowie fan), included the characters \"the Starmen\" and \"Diamond Dog\"-a boss that must be defeated in the final stage of the game.33 Even more amusing is the fact that in EquestriaBound, the My Little Pony hack of EarthBound, Dinky, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo must also defend their land against the Diamond Dog.34 Bowie has inspired many writers and artists in the world of comics and cartoons.Ziggy's band the Spiders from Mars possibly inspired the decision, as did the Ziggy Stardust-like red \"hair\" that runs across the spider's body.35 In 2013, as a tribute to David Bowie, astronaut commander Chris Hadfield covered a video version of \"Space Oddity,\" playing his guitar and singing while floating aboard the International Space Station; the video was uploaded to YouTube, where it was seen by more than twenty-five million viewers.
Station eleven : a novel
One snowy night Arthur Leander, a famous actor, has a heart attack onstage during a production. Jeevan Chaudhary, is in the audience and leaps to his aid. A child actress named Kirsten Raymonde watches in horror as Jeevan performs CPR, pumping Arthur's chest as the curtain drops, but Arthur is dead. That same night, as Jeevan walks home from the theater, a terrible flu begins to spread. Hospitals are flooded and Jeevan and his brother barricade themselves inside as life disintegrates outside. This novel charts the strange twists of fate that connect five people: the actor, the man who tried to save him, the actor's first wife, his oldest friend, and a young actress with the Traveling Symphony, caught in the crosshairs of a dangerous self-proclaimed prophet.
“Autonomous weapons” as a geopolitical signifier in a national power play: analysing AI imaginaries in Chinese and US military policies
“Autonomous weapon systems” (AWS) have been subject to intense discussions for years. Numerous political, academic and legal actors are debating their consequences, with many calling for strict regulation or even a global ban. Surprisingly, it often remains unclear which technologies the term AWS refers to and also in what sense these systems can be characterised as autonomous at all. Despite being feared by many, weapons that are completely self-governing and beyond human control are more of a conceptual possibility than an actual military reality. As will be argued, the conflicting interpretations of AWS are largely the result of the diverse meanings that are constructed in political discourses. These interpretations convert specific understandings of AI into strategic assets and consequently hinder the establishment of common ethical standards and legal regulations. In particular, this article looks at the publicly available military AI strategies and position papers by China and the USA. It analyses how AWS technologies, understood as evoking sociotechnical imaginaries, are politicised to serve particular national interests. The article presents the current theoretical debate, which has sought to find a functional definition of AWS that is sufficiently unambiguous for regulatory or military contexts. Approaching AWS as a phenomenon that is embedded in a particular sociotechnical imaginary, however, flags up the ways in which nation states portray themselves as part of a global AI race, competing over economic, military and geopolitical advantages. Nation states do not just enforce their geopolitical ambitions through a fierce realpolitik rhetoric but also play around with ambiguities in definitions. This especially holds true for China and the USA, since they are regarded and regard themselves as hegemonic antagonists, presenting competing self-conceptions that are apparent in their histories, political doctrines and identities. The way they showcase their AI-driven military prowess indicates an ambivalent rhetoric of legal sobriety, tech-regulation and aggressive national dominance. AWS take on the role of signifiers that are employed to foster political legitimacy or to spark deliberate confusion and deterrence.
POWER and the Future of Appalachia
As coal-mining employment and production levels reach historic low levels in the Appalachian region, institutions and actors articulate divergent discourses of what futures may be possible for the Appalachian region. Using Ada Smith’s (2016) notion of “Appalachian Futurism” as a point of departure (understanding how theorizations of the past structure and limit what is imaginable for the future), I analyze the ways that a federal grants program, the POWER Initiative, frames Appalachia’s economic transition. Through analysis of program documents and investments, I identify how particular discourses of development lead to programmatic foci of interventions around “entrepreneurship” and “workforce development.” I then look at an alternative framing of the discourse of economic transition: one that posits a development agenda focused on improving quality of life for communities, as opposed to job and business creation. Drawing on documents from the Highlander Research and Education Center and on a dozen interviews with economic development practitioners, I detail the ways institutions and actors frame and reframe discourses as part of ideological struggle. In the conclusion, I examine trends for the future development of the region and offer policy suggestions for a more just economic future in the coalfields.
Grandpa's face
Seeing her beloved grandfather making a mean face while he rehearses for one of his plays, Tamika becomes afraid that someday she will lose his love and he will make that mean face at her.
Codesign with more-than-humans: toward a meta co-design tool for human-non-human collaborations
What does more-than-human mean? How can we, as humans, understand that our ecology is only one of the many that do exist within the world? Furthermore, in which way should we step aside to let all ecological actors exercise their agency? And, more specifically, what should be the role of design and designers in tackling complex issues and in contributing to a major shift in thoughts? These questions fostered a reflection on the relation between possible futures and the design practice itself and set the basis for the creation of a provotype. A provotype (from “ provo cation” and “proto type ”) is a conceptual product or an artifact whose objective is to foster reflections and provoke discussions mainly concerning social and environmental sustainability, innovations, and technologies, leaving gaps to be filled with the audience imagination. The research reported in this contribution deals with issues and questions that fall under the umbrella of the topic of alternative biopolitics in future scenarios: how can we co-design with more-than-human actors? In which way can symbiosis between different entities be achieved? What is the meaning of interspecies justice, and which should be the steps to follow to fulfill it? And, finally, maybe the most significant question to focus on: how can communication between different entities be fostered? The designed provotype consists of a fictional event (“The first Multispecies Symposium”) which takes place in 2100, further helped the researchers in opening new reflections that made it possible to experiment with participatory design and to finalize a tool that can be used to share and expand reflections about futures without hierarchies, not human-centered, sustainable progress and hope, participative futures.