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21,927 نتائج ل "Electromyography"
صنف حسب:
Does feet position alter triceps surae EMG record during heel-raise exercises in leg press machine?
Background: muscle activation measured by electromyography (EMG) provides additional insight into functional differences between movements and muscle involvement. Objective: to evaluate the EMG of triceps surae during heel-raise exercise in healthy subjects performed at leg press machine with different feet positions. Methods: ten trained healthy male adults aged between 20 and 30 years voluntarily took part in the study. After biometric analyses the EMG signals were obtained using a 8-channel telemeterized surface EMG system (EMG System do Brazil, Brazil Ltda) (amplifier gain: 1000x, common rejection mode ratio >100 dB, band pass filter: 20 to 500 Hz). All data was acquired and processed using a 16-bit analog to digital converter, with a sampling frequency of 2kHz on the soleus (Sol), medial (GM) and lateral (GL) gastrocnemius muscles in both legs, in accordance with the recommendations of SENIAN. The root mean square (RMS) of the EMG amplitude was calculated to evaluate muscle activity of the three muscles. After being properly prepared for eletromyography procedures, all subjects were instructed to perform 3 sets of 5 repetitions during heel-raise exercise using the maximal load that enabled 10 repetitions on leg press 45° machine, each set being performed with one of the following feet positions: neutral (0º), internal and external rotation (both with 45° from neutral position). The tests were sequential and applied a 5-minute rest interval between sets. The order of the tests was randomized. Results: thought had been found interaction (F=0.27, P= 0.75) on RMS parameters and feet position, the values of Sol muscle were significantly (F=17.86, P= 0.003) lower compared with GL and GM muscles independently of feet position. Conclusion: The change in the feet position during the heel-rise exercise performed in the leg press does not influence the activation of the triceps surae, and the soleus is less activated than the gastrocnemius in that exercise.
Specificity of surface EMG recordings for gastrocnemius during upright standing
The relatively large pick-up volume of surface electrodes has for long motivated the concern that muscles other than that of interest may contribute to surface electromyograms (EMGs). Recent findings suggest however the pick-up volume of surface electrodes may be smaller than previously appreciated, possibly leading to the detection of surface EMGs insensitive to muscle activity. Here we combined surface and intramuscular recordings to investigate how comparably action potentials from gastrocnemius and soleus are represented in surface EMGs detected with different inter-electrode distances. We computed the firing instants of motor units identified from intramuscular EMGs detected from gastrocnemius and soleus while five participants stood upright. We used these instants to trigger and average surface EMGs detected from multiple skin regions along gastrocnemius. Results from 66 motor units (whereof 31 from gastrocnemius) revealed the surface-recorded amplitude of soleus action potentials was 6% of that of gastrocnemius and did not decrease for inter-electrode distances smaller than 4 cm. Gastrocnemius action potentials were more likely detected for greater inter-electrode distances and their amplitude increased steeply up to 5 cm inter-electrode distance. These results suggest that reducing inter-electrode distance excessively may result in the detection of surface EMGs insensitive to gastrocnemius activity without substantial attenuation of soleus crosstalk.
Нормативные показатели функционального состояния мышц запирательного аппарата прямой кишки по данным нейрофизиологического исследования
Цель работы – оценка нормативных величин нейрофизиологических показателей наружного анального сфинктера и мышц тазового дна при использовании метода интерференционной электромиографии. Материалы и методы. Анализ электромиографии проведен у 33 добровольцев, не имеющих жалоб на нарушение функции держания кишечного содержимого и опорожнения прямой кишки, – 20 (60,6 %) мужчин (средний возраст 57,3 ± 9,4 года) и 13 (39,4 %) женщин (средний возраст 55,3 ± 12,8 года). Внутрианальным электродом регистрировались суммарные показатели сократительной способности анального жома – фоновая и произвольная биоэлектрическая активность (БЭА). Получены интегральные показатели средней и максимальной амплитуды БЭА для мышц запирательного аппарата прямой кишки (ЗАПК) в покое, при произвольном сокращении, пробах с натуживанием и при повышении внутрибрюшного давления. Результаты. Получены нормативные величины БЭА мышц ЗАПК, позволяющие качественно и количественно оценивать функцию мышц тазового дна, которые можно использовать при проведении дополнительных мультицентровых исследований для создания унифицированного алгоритма оценки ЗАПК и мышц тазового дна.
Comparison of the electrodiagnostic tests' efficacy on prediction of early clinical prognosis of bell's palsy
The aim of the study was to compare the prognostic value of the electrodiagnostic tests which have been used for prediction about prognosis of Bell’s palsy. 40 patients followed up at Gülhane Military Academy Otolaryngology Department between 2008 and 2011 because of Bell’s palsy were included in the study. Data were analyzed retrospectively. House-Brackmann classification was used for facial nerve functions. All patients were performed Nerve Excitability Test, Maximal Stimulation Test, Nerve Latency Test and Electromyography between 7th and 21th days of palsy. Patients were followed up for 4 months and eventually facial nerve motor function improvements were determined as complete (House-Brackmann class 1) recovery and incomplete (House-Brackmann class 2 or more) recovery. At the first visit facial nerve functions were detected class 2 in 2 patients, class 3 in 12 patients, class 4 in 12 patients, class 5 in 11 patients and class 6 in 3 patients. At the last visit 30 out of patients improved complete and 10 patients improved incomplete recovery. Electromyography and Maximal Stimulation Tests were superior tests for prediction of prognosis of the facial palsy according to other electrodiagnostic tests. Although Electromyography and Maximal Stimulation Test are more useful tests, also other tests can provide additional information us for prediction of prognosis.
Comparison of six electromyography acquisition setups on hand movement classification tasks
Hand prostheses controlled by surface electromyography are promising due to the non-invasive approach and the control capabilities offered by machine learning. Nevertheless, dexterous prostheses are still scarcely spread due to control difficulties, low robustness and often prohibitive costs. Several sEMG acquisition setups are now available, ranging in terms of costs between a few hundred and several thousand dollars. The objective of this paper is the relative comparison of six acquisition setups on an identical hand movement classification task, in order to help the researchers to choose the proper acquisition setup for their requirements. The acquisition setups are based on four different sEMG electrodes (including Otto Bock, Delsys Trigno, Cometa Wave + Dormo ECG and two Thalmic Myo armbands) and they were used to record more than 50 hand movements from intact subjects with a standardized acquisition protocol. The relative performance of the six sEMG acquisition setups is compared on 41 identical hand movements with a standardized feature extraction and data analysis pipeline aimed at performing hand movement classification. Comparable classification results are obtained with three acquisition setups including the Delsys Trigno, the Cometa Wave and the affordable setup composed of two Myo armbands. The results suggest that practical sEMG tests can be performed even when costs are relevant (e.g. in small laboratories, developing countries or use by children). All the presented datasets can be used for offline tests and their quality can easily be compared as the data sets are publicly available.
ZielZiel dieser Studie war es, die Bewegungsstereotype nach Janda mittels Oberflächen-Elektromyographie (O-EMG) zu validieren.Probanden und MethodenAn 20 klinisch gesunden Probanden wurde die Messung der Muskelfunktion mit einem 8-Kanal-O-EMG durchgeführt. Hauptaugenmerk wurde auf die Aktivierungsreihenfolge der verschiedenen Muskelgruppen in der Kette des jeweiligen Bewegungsstereotyps gelegt. Im Untersuchungsmittelpunkt standen die Bewegungsstereotype Armabduktion, Hüfthyperextension und Kopfanteflexion. Die Ergebnisse der Messungen wurden mit der von Janda postulierten Reihenfolge abgeglichen und die Übereinstimmungen ermittelt. Die visuelle Untersuchung wurde durch einen erfahrenen Untersucher (Arzt) durchgeführt und ausgewertet.ErgebnisseDie visuelle Ermittlung der Rekrutierungsreihenfolge ergab eine deutliche Rangverteilung mit lediglich minimaler Streuung. Neben der Anzahl der Wiederholungen hat auch die Objektivität des Untersuchers Einfluss auf die Ergebnisse. Da die zeitlichen Unterschiede der Muskelaktivierung im Millisekundenbereich liegen, ist die O-EMG der visuellen Methode vorzuziehen.SchlussfolgerungDie O-EMG-Messung ist für die Bewertung von Bewegungsstereotypen geeignet sowie für wissenschaftliche und diagnostische Zwecke einsetzbar. Möglicherweise lässt sie sich auch für die praktische Anwendung, z. B. die Feedback-Therapie, einsetzen.
C47 COPD: PHYSIOLOGIC ASSESSMENT: Reproducibility Of Automated Analysis Of Neural Respiratory Drive From Parasternal Intercostal Muscle Electromyography Over Multiple Self-Measurements By Stable COPD Patients
Rationale: Neural respiratory drive (NRD) derived from 2nd intercostal space parasternal muscle surface electromyography (EMG) has been proposed as an advanced physiological biomarker of respiratory status in COPD [Suh et al, Thorax, 2015]. From a qualitative point of view, the patients could follow the instructions, with only a few errors (e.g. inter-electrode distance or adoption of consistent body posture).
Geçici zaaf fenomenli Thomsen tipi miyotonia konjenita olgusu
Miyotonia konjenita kas iyon kanalı hastalıklarından, ilerleyici olmayan, miyotoni ve kas hipertrofisi ile karakterize bir hastalıktır. Otozomal dominant (Thomsen tipi) ve resesif (Becker tipi) formları vardır. Resesif ve dominant miyotonia konjenitayı birbirinden ayırmak her zaman kolay değildir. Ayırım başlıca aile ağacında resesif veya dominant geçişe göre yapılır. Yirmi bir yaşında erkek hasta elinde tuttuğu eşyaları düşürme şikayetiyle polikliniğimize başvurdu. Atletik görünümlü olan hastanın muayenesinde tüm vücut kaslarında genel bir sertlik tespit edildi. Atrofi ve kas güçsüzlüğü yoktu. Derin tendon refleksleri canlıydı. Aksiyon miyotonisi ve perküsyon miyotonisi tespit edildi. Abisinde ve babasında benzeri şikayetler mevcuttu. Anne-baba arasında akraba evliliği yoktu. Laboratuvar incelemeleri normal olarak saptandı. Telekardiyografi, elektrokardiyografi ve ekokardiyografi bulguları normaldi. Elektromyelografide (EMG) miyotonik boşalımlar tespit edildi. Babasında ve abisinde de aynı hastalık mevcut olduğu için hastaya soyağacı çıkarılarak Thomsen tipi Miyotonia Konjenita tanısı konuldu. Hasta fizik tedavi programına alındı. Biz geçici zaaf fenomeni genellikle Becker tipini düşündürse de nadir olarak da Thomsen tipi Miyotonia Konjenitada görülebileceğine dikkat çekmek istedik.
Peroneal nerve paralysis: Characteristics and therapeutic results of eight operated cases
Objective: Peroneal nerve paralysis is one of the peripheral nerve lesions often seen in the lower limb. In this paper, characteristics and surgical treatment results of eight cases in whom peroneal nerve injury developed due to mechanical, traumatic and postural reasons were investigated. Material and Method: Between April 2011 and November 2013, eight patients who referred to our clinic due to lower leg related to peroneal nerve injury were treated. In order to diagnose the illness and determine the level of injury, electromyography (EMG) and neural transmission speed study were carried out on all patients. During motor assessment, strong sides of patients were compared. Results: Six of the patients were men and 2 of them were women, and average age was 41.9±4.2 (range: 23-72). One of the patients had an ankle sprain history, two of them had a history of long term practice by falling on their knees, in two a history of wearing top boots or wellies, in other two patients a history of waiting for hours by crossing their legs, and one patient had a trauma history on knee-joint level after a traffic accident. Average duration of symptoms and findings were 3.8 months (range: 3-6 months) A very serious slowness in the transmission speed and an amplitude block were seen in main peroneal nerve and at a level of fibular head during the EMG done to the patients. All the patients were treated at the level of fibular head by doing peroneal nerve decompression. Conclusion: Peroneal nerve is usually pinched in fibular head or neck side. In the cases not responding to conservative treatments, satisfactory results are generally obtained by freeing of nerve at fibular head level.