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35,578 نتائج ل "Uterus"
صنف حسب:
Wombs with a view : illustrations of the gravid uterus from the Renaissance through the nineteenth century
This volume provides an archive of some of the most beautiful illustrations ever made of the gravid uterus with fetus and placenta, which will serve future generations of investigators, educators and students of reproduction. The approximately two hundred figures from over one hundred volumes included are from the late fifteenth through the nineteenth century.
48/w mit Blasenentleerungsstörung – Laparoskopische Techniken zur Deszensustherapie
Haben Sie eine neurologische Erkrankung wie Parkinson, multiple Sklerose (MS), Demenz, Zustand nach Apoplex (mögliche Ursachen für Paralyse des Beckenbodens)? Blase gut gefüllt. Nierensonographie beidseits o.B. Auch unter Elevation der Scheide mittels Spekulum bleibt die Patientin nach Hustenstößen kontinent. Es handelt sich in erster Linie um einen Defekt im mittleren Scheidenkompartiment, also um einen Level-I-Defekt, da sich hier der Scheidenapex bzw. die Portio absenkt und zwar bis vor den Introitus, also gemäß Grad III der klassischen Einteilung. Typische Symptome Restharnbildung Pollakisurie Tiefer Beckenschmerz Dyspareunie Aber auch Nykturie „Frequency“ (häufiges Wasserlassen) Quetschhahnphänomen (Verlegung der proximalen Urethra durch die sich senkende bzw. rotierende Blase, aber auch anderer Anteile, wie eine von dorsal her komprimierende Rektozele) Im Extrem: Dekubitalulzera der Vaginalmukosa eines Grad-IV-Descensus Merke. Die FDA (Food and Drug Administration) hat im Hinblick auf deren „unkritischen Einsatz“ 2009 und erneut 2011 Warnungen aufgrund schwerer Komplikationen abgegeben.
The uterine health companion : a holistic guide to lifelong wellness
\"For women interested in a holistic approach to maintaining optimal uterine health and addressing specific health disorders of the uterus, from menarche to menopause and beyond\"--Provided by publisher.
Nadir Bir Sekonder Kist Hidatik Olgusu: Aynı Hastada Uterus ve Kolon Lokasyonu
Bu çalışmanın amacı hem uterus hem de kolon yerleşimli bir sekonder hidatik kist olgusu sunmaktır. Hasta Hakkari’de yaşayan 71 yaşında bir kadındı. Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Dursun Odabaş Tıp Merkezi’ne kronik karın - pelvik bölge ağrısı ve karın şişliği şikayeti ile başvurdu. İlk olarak, sagittal T2 ağırlıklı manyetik rezonans (MR) görüntülerinde, uterus posteriorunda kız veziküllerin bulunduğu tip-3 kist hidatik saptandı. Daha sonraki MR’de, kolonun ön duvarına yapışmış ve karın ile ilişkili olduğu bildirilen ayrık membranlı tip-2 kistik bir lezyon ortaya çıkarıldı. Hastanın daha önce karaciğer cerrahisi öyküsü olması nedeniyle, olgu sekonder kistik hidatik olarak kabul edildi. Sonuç olarak, karaciğerde veya başka bir organda primer kist cerrahi öyküsü olan hastalarda semptomları ve görüntüleme bulgularını birleştirerek sekonder kistik ekinokokkozis tanısı koymak mümkündür.
Fertilität und Schwangerschaft nach Krebserkrankung im Kindes- und Jugendalter
HintergrundDie Kinderwunscherfüllung kinderonkologischer Patienten kann aufgrund ihrer Erkrankung und deren Therapie im Erwachsenenalter eingeschränkt und mit Komplikationen verbunden sein.FragestellungPrävalenz von und Risikofaktoren für Fertilitätsstörungen, Schwangerschaftskomplikationen und Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung der Nachkommen. Darstellung möglicher fruchtbarkeitserhaltender Maßnahmen und einer umfassenden ärztlichen Betreuung während der Schwangerschaft.Material und MethodeAuswertungen der aktuellen Literatur und Leitlinien zur kinderonkologischen Nachsorge.ErgebnisseNach Chemo- und/oder Strahlentherapie ist die Fruchtbarkeit bei etwa einem Drittel der Patienten beeinträchtigt, nach einer Stammzelltransplantation sind über zwei Drittel betroffen. Fruchtbarkeitserhaltende Maßnahmen für Patienten und Patientinnen stehen jedoch zur Verfügung. Tritt eine Schwangerschaft ein, verlaufen diese und die Geburt in der Regel unkompliziert. Komplikationen, wie Fehlgeburten, Frühgeburtlichkeit und niedriges Geburtsgewicht, treten insbesondere nach uteriner Strahlenbelastung auf. Patientinnen, die mit kardiotoxischen Zytostatika (v. a. Anthrazykline) therapiert wurden, können sich peripartal kardial verschlechtern. Die Nachkommen ehemaliger Patienten haben kein erhöhtes Risiko für Malformationen, genetische oder nichthereditäre maligne Erkrankungen.DiskussionKinderwunsch und Kinderwunscherfüllung ehemaliger kinderonkologischer Patienten sollten durch eine frühzeitige und umfassende Aufklärung über das individuelle Risiko für Fruchtbarkeitsstörungen und fertilitätserhaltende Maßnahmen unterstützt werden. Den Betroffenen und ihren Familien soll eine selbstbestimmte Entscheidung in der Familienplanung ermöglicht werden.
Application of detergents or high hydrostatic pressure as decellularization processes in uterine tissues and their subsequent effects on in vivo uterine regeneration in murine models
Infertility caused by ovarian or tubal problems can be treated using In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET); however, this is not possible for women with uterine loss and malformations that require uterine reconstruction for the treatment of their infertility. In this study, we are the first to report the usefulness of decellularized matrices as a scaffold for uterine reconstruction. Uterine tissues were extracted from Sprague Dawley (SD) rats and decellularized using either sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) or high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) at optimized conditions. Histological staining and quantitative analysis showed that both SDS and HHP methods effectively removed cells from the tissues with, specifically, a significant reduction of DNA contents for HHP constructs. HHP constructs highly retained the collagen content, the main component of extracellular matrices in uterine tissue, compared to SDS constructs and had similar content levels of collagen to the native tissue. The mechanical strength of the HHP constructs was similar to that of the native tissue, while that of the SDS constructs was significantly elevated. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed no apparent denaturation of collagen fibers in the HHP constructs compared to the SDS constructs. Transplantation of the decellularized tissues into rat uteri revealed the successful regeneration of the uterine tissues with a 3-layer structure 30 days after the transplantation. Moreover, a lot of epithelial gland tissue and Ki67 positive cells were detected. Immunohistochemical analyses showed that the regenerated tissues have a normal response to ovarian hormone for pregnancy. The subsequent pregnancy test after 30 days transplantation revealed successful pregnancy for both the SDS and HHP groups. These findings indicate that the decellularized matrix from the uterine tissue can be a potential scaffold for uterine regeneration.
Single-cell reconstruction of follicular remodeling in the human adult ovary
The ovary is perhaps the most dynamic organ in the human body, only rivaled by the uterus. The molecular mechanisms that regulate follicular growth and regression, ensuring ovarian tissue homeostasis, remain elusive. We have performed single-cell RNA-sequencing using human adult ovaries to provide a map of the molecular signature of growing and regressing follicular populations. We have identified different types of granulosa and theca cells and detected local production of components of the complement system by (atretic) theca cells and stromal cells. We also have detected a mixture of adaptive and innate immune cells, as well as several types of endothelial and smooth muscle cells to aid the remodeling process. Our results highlight the relevance of mapping whole adult organs at the single-cell level and reflect ongoing efforts to map the human body. The association between complement system and follicular remodeling may provide key insights in reproductive biology and (in)fertility.
A tissue-engineered uterus supports live births in rabbits
Bioengineered uterine tissue could provide a treatment option for women with uterine factor infertility. In large animal models, reconstruction of the uterus has been demonstrated only with xenogeneic tissue grafts. Here we use biodegradable polymer scaffolds seeded with autologous cells to restore uterine structure and function in rabbits. Rabbits underwent a subtotal uterine excision and were reconstructed with autologous cell-seeded constructs, with nonseeded scaffolds or by suturing. At 6 months postimplantation, only the cell-seeded engineered uteri developed native tissue-like structures, including organized luminal/glandular epithelium, stroma, vascularized mucosa and two-layered myometrium. Only rabbits with cell-seeded constructs had normal pregnancies (four in ten) in the reconstructed segment of the uterus and supported fetal development to term and live birth. With further development, this approach may provide a regenerative medicine solution to uterine factor infertility.
Miomektomia podczas cięcia cesarskiego a powstawanie zrostów jako późne powikłanie pooperacyjne
Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the incidence and features of postoperative adhesion related complications occurring following myolysis or myomectomy performed during cesarean section (C/S). Methods: This cross-sectional study consists of four groups of patients who underwent C/S: group I; myolysis is performed by electric cauterization for small superficial fibroids less than 2 cm. (n: 21), group II; myomectomy is performed for pedunculated fibroids (n: 18), group III; myomectomy is performed for intramural/subserous fibroids less than 5 cm. (n: 23), group IV; control group (n: 19) who did not go through myomectomy. Repeat C/S is performed to study subjects within 1-5 years. All cases are evaluated in terms of mild to moderate adhesions between omentum and uterus, mild to moderate adnexial area adhesions, mild to moderate incision area adhesions and surgical difficulty due to severe adhesions. Results: The incidence of adhesions of omentum and uterus (p= 0.278), mild to moderate adnexial area adhesions (p= 0.831), mild to moderate incision area adhesions (p= 0.804) were similar between the intervention groups (group I, II, and III) and the controls (group IV). Conclusion: Cesarean myomectomy is a safe procedure and can be performed without significant postoperative adhesion formation.