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1,980 نتائج ل "Occupations and race."
صنف حسب:
Black in Blue
From New York to Los Angeles, police departments across the country are consistently accused of racism. Although historically white police precincts have been slowly integrating over the past few decades, African-American officers still encounter racism on the job. Bolton and Feagin have interviewed fifty veteran African-American police officers to provide real-life and vivid examples of the difficulties and discrimination these officers face everyday inside and outside the police station from barriers in hiring and getting promoted to lack of trust from citizens and members of black community. 1. Black in Blue 2. Everyday Racism on the Force 3. Problems of the White Mind 4. Racial Barriers in Police Departments 5. A Hostile Racial Climate 6. Black Officers Can Transform Policing 7. A Better Future for All Americans \"In their thoughtful qualitative analysis, Bolton and Feagin tackle an important, though largely overlooked topic--the lived experiences of Black police officers. Their research exposes the personal and social costs of men in blue engaging in business as usual.\" - Katheryn Russell-Brown, University of Florida Kenneth Bolton is Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Southeastern Louisiana University. Joe Feagin is Professor of Sociology at the Texas A&M University. He is a past president of the American Sociological Association. Among his many Routledge books are: White Racism (2nd edition, 2001), Racist America: Roots, Current Realities, and Future Reparations (2000), and The Agony of Education: Black Students at White Colleges and Universities (1996).
Beyond Stock Stories and Folktales
Ask practically any academic department chair why they do not have more African Americans among faculty members and they generally respond with stock stories or folktales, which stimulated the title of this volume. Stock stories are akin to grand narratives that explain 'why things are' in ways that satisfy those in dominant positions. Frierson and Tate argue it is time to move beyond these. The purpose of the book is to provide historical, conceptual, and empirically-based analyses focused on the development of African Americans in STEM fields. There is rarely any real understanding of the uneven contours of the education pipeline or the transition to academic life experienced in these situations and this volume will shed light on opportunities to advance African American attainment in STEM disciplines throughout the academic and professional spectra, and the mitigation of disparities that continue to be so prevalent. The editors hope that it will generate discussions and actions that are based on empirical evidence and policy analyses, rather than long standing stock stories and folktales that misrepresent the paths linked to African Americans' attainment in STEM fields.
Leading While Muslim
The book explores the lived experiences of 14 American Muslim public school principals post-9/11 and the impact of global events, political discourse, and media coverage of Islam and Muslims on one's leadership ability and spirituality.
Career Experiences of African American Police Executives
Studies the experiences of over 100 Black police executives; historical overview, relationships with White colleagues and Black and White citizens, discrimination, barriers to promotion, and marginalization; US.
Influence of an Academic Intervention Program on Minority Student Career Choice
This qualitative, retrospective study explored how educational experiences provided as part of an undergraduate intervention program helped to shape career decisions for minority biology students. A key goal for the program is to increase minority entry into science research and teaching careers, yet actual career choice has not been studied. Interviews with program alumni uncovered varying perceptions of the benefits of coursework, advising, and research and clinical work by alumni in different careers as well as varying influence of personal factors on career choice. These results support prior findings on the impact of intervention programs on career choice for minority students.
Belonging and Genocide
No one has ever posed a satisfactory explanation for the extreme inhumanity of the Holocaust. What enabled millions of Germans to perpetrate or condone the murder of the Jews? In this illuminating book, Thomas Kühne offers a provocative answer. In addition to the hatred of Jews or coercion that created a genocidal society, he contends, the desire for a united \"people's community\" made Germans conform and join together in mass crime. Exploring private letters, diaries, memoirs, secret reports, trial records, and other documents, the author shows how the Nazis used such common human needs as community, belonging, and solidarity to forge a nation conducting the worst crime in history.