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Influence of an Academic Intervention Program on Minority Student Career Choice
Influence of an Academic Intervention Program on Minority Student Career Choice
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Influence of an Academic Intervention Program on Minority Student Career Choice
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Influence of an Academic Intervention Program on Minority Student Career Choice
Influence of an Academic Intervention Program on Minority Student Career Choice

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Influence of an Academic Intervention Program on Minority Student Career Choice
Influence of an Academic Intervention Program on Minority Student Career Choice
Journal Article

Influence of an Academic Intervention Program on Minority Student Career Choice

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This qualitative, retrospective study explored how educational experiences provided as part of an undergraduate intervention program helped to shape career decisions for minority biology students. A key goal for the program is to increase minority entry into science research and teaching careers, yet actual career choice has not been studied. Interviews with program alumni uncovered varying perceptions of the benefits of coursework, advising, and research and clinical work by alumni in different careers as well as varying influence of personal factors on career choice. These results support prior findings on the impact of intervention programs on career choice for minority students.