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196 نتائج ل "Glicken, Morley D"
صنف حسب:
Learning from Resilient People
This comprehensive core textbook analyzes how resilient people navigate the troubled waters of life′s traumas and identifies how learning about resilience may help cultivate this quality in other, less resilient, people. Author Morley D. Glicken explains the inner self-healing processes of resilient people and helps individuals training in the helping professions to learn to use these processes in working with their clients.
Evidence-based practice with socially and emotionally troubled children and adolescents
The author, a professional social worker and professor at the Arizona State University West Department of Social Work, expresses his concern for the increasing number of children being diagnosed and treated for emotional problems. \"The unsettling thought of misdiagnosing children who need help but are not being served because of racial and gender issues, and treatment of large number of children who are, in reality, responding in normal ways to maturational and social changes has begun to capture a great deal of attention in the popular and professional literature.\" -- p. [3]. He proposes an evidence-based practice approach regarding assessment, diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents with social and emotional problems \"including, but not limited to: ADHD; Bi-Polar Disorder; anxiety and depression; eating disorders; Autism; Asperger's Syndrome; lonelines and social isolation; school related problems; gender issues and prolonged grief. The psychosocial interventions discussed in the book provide practitioners and educators with a range of effective treatments that serve as an alternative to the use of unproven medications with unknown but potentially harmful side effects.\" -- Back cover.
Improving the Effectiveness of the Helping Professions
Improving the Effectiveness of the Helping Professions: An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice covers the use of research and critical thinking to assist helping professionals make the most effective choices in treating clients with social and emotional problems. The use of evidence-based practice (EBP) comes at a time when managed care and concerns over health care costs coincide with growing concerns that psychotherapy, case management, and counseling may not be sufficiently effective ways of helping people in social and emotional difficulty. The book provides an easy-to-read, inclusive approach covering EBP with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and terrorism, bereavement, substance abuse, mental illness, and problems experienced by older adults, among others.
Learning from resilient people: lessons we can apply to counseling and psychotherapy
Resilience is a human trait that is key to understanding how people successfully cope with crisis and trauma. This book will explain the inner self-healing processes of resilient people and will help people training in the helping professions to learn to use these processes in working with their clients.
Improving the effectiveness of the helping professions: an evidence-based approach to practice
The current practice of counselling, psychotherapy, and most helping professions often relies on clinical wisdom with little evidence of what actually works. Clinical wisdom is often a justification for beliefs and values that bond people together as professionals but often fails to serve clients since many of those beliefs and values may be comforting, but they may also be inherently incorrect. Improving the Effectiveness of the Helping Profession covers the use of research and critical thinking to assist helping professionals make the most effective choices in treating clients with social and emotional problems. The use of evidence-based practice (EBP) comes at a time when managed care and concerns over health care costs coincide with growing concerns that psychotherapy, case management, and counseling may not be sufficiently effective ways of helping people in social and emotional difficulty.
Treating Asian American clients in crisis: A collectivist approach
Asian Americans represent a growing population of clients seeking professional assistance for a variety of social and emotional difficulties. Asian American clients often have a collective notion of \"self\" because they are highly influenced by family and culture. Consequently, crisis work with Asian American clients requires very different treatment strategies than those used in work with western clients whose notion of \"self\" is far more individualistic. The cultural issues at play in the development of a \"Collective Self are described in the article and five common crisis situations are given with case illustrations suggesting effective treatment strategies.