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182 نتائج ل "Lin, Mei-Feng"
صنف حسب:
Beneficial Exercises for Cancer-Related Fatigue among Women with Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis
Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is the most common cause of physical powerlessness in women with breast cancer (BC). The practice of continuous effective exercise is beneficial with respect to reducing CRF. To explore exercise efficacy and respective ranks with respect to reducing CRF in women with BC within the inter-treatment and post-treatment periods. Throughout this systematic review and network meta-analysis, articles published from 2000 to March 2022 were included. Article searches were conducted on the MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, and CENTRAL databases. Adult women with BC and different exercise programs were compared with those involved in regular care as a control during or after treatment. In addition, randomized controlled trials (RCT) were also included. A risk-of-bias assessment, with the revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tool regarding RCT and probability-based ranking, was established based on the surface under the cumulative rank (SUCRA) method via network meta-analysis. a total of 5747 women with BC followed seven exercise interventions. Yoga (SMD = -0.54, 95% CI [-0.86, -0.22]) was ranked first (94.5%), with significant effects in respect of mitigating CRF, followed by resistance exercise (66.2%), and aerobic resistance (63.3%), while Qigong ranked last (22.2%) among the 36 RCT in inter-treatment. Aerobic resistance exercise (SMD = -0.52, 95% CI [-0.98, -0.07]) induced significant effects in respect of mitigating CRF in the 38 RCTs in the post-treatment period. Yoga, aerobic yoga, and aerobic resistance exercise ranked as the top three (75.5%, 75.0%, and 72.4%, respectively), whereas relaxation ranked last (38.8%) in the post-treatment period. Yoga, aerobic resistance, and aerobic yoga are recommended for the purposes of inter- and post-treatment exercise to reduce CRF in women with BC by enhancing their physical resilience and long-term quality of life.
Music, heart rate variability, and symptom clusters: a comparative study
Purpose This study aimed to explore the possible range of change of a single-session music intervention (SMI) on symptom clusters and neurological reactivity for women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Methods A parallel and randomized, controlled study with repeated measures design was used. A total of 100 women with breast cancer were randomly assigned to the SMI or a control group. The outcome measurements of symptom cluster were collected using the Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the neurological reactivity with heart rate variability at four time points: before commencement of the intervention (T0), immediately afterward (T1), 1 week later (T2), and 3 weeks after the intervention (T3). Results Of the 50 women in each group, 46 in the SMI and 48 in the control group completed the post-test at T3. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated that the SMI group had a medium effect in change of symptom clusters compared to the control group at T2. Moreover, after adjusting for baseline between normal and higher levels of sympathetic tone activity, significant differences existed in fatigue and depression at T2 and sleep disturbance at T3. Conclusions A single-session music intervention can be effectively used to reduce symptom clusters for women with breast cancer. Targeting those who have a higher level of sympathetic tone activity is recommended.
Comparison of group vs self-directed music interventions to reduce chemotherapy-related distress and cognitive appraisal: an exploratory study
Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine effects of group music intervention and self-directed music intervention on anxiety, depression, and cognitive appraisal among women with breast cancer. Methods A quasi-experimental design randomly assigned 60 women undergoing chemotherapy to 3 groups: group music intervention, self-directed music intervention, or a control group. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale were administered before, after the 8-week interventions, and at 3-month follow-up. Results Of the 52 women completing the study, results indicated that group music intervention had a significant ( p  < .01) immediate effect to decrease helplessness/hopelessness and anxious preoccupation and significant effects for reducing anxiety, depression, helplessness/hopelessness, and cognitive avoidance compared to the other two groups at 3-month follow-up. Conclusions Group music intervention can be considered an effective supportive care in alleviating the chemotherapy-related distress and enhancing cognition modification of women with breast cancer. Further research is needed to determine the role of cognitive appraisal in the illness trajectory.
The Effectiveness of Acupressure in Reducing Cancer-Related Fatigue: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Background: Acupressure is one of the recommended non-pharmacologic treatments for cancer-related fatigue (CRF) according to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines. However, few systematic review or metaanalysis studies have focused on the effect of acupressure on CRF. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of acupressure in reducing CRF and to identify the effective acupoints and frequencies of acupressure treatments. Methods: The search and screening procedures were conducted in accordance with PRISMA 2009 guidelines. The search database included Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, MEDLINE and Google Scholar. RoB 2.0 and ROBINS-I were used as appraisal tools. The statistical analysis, including effect size estimation, was computed using RevMan 5.4. Results: Twelve studies (15 sets of data) were included in the review and analysis. Nine hundred sixty patients with cancer who were currently undergoing or had completed treatment were enrolled as participants and receive
Influential Factors for and Outcomes of Hospitalized Patients with Suicide-Related Behaviors: A National Record Study in Taiwan from 1997-2010
Investigating the factors related to suicide is crucial for suicide prevention. Psychiatric disorders, gender, socioeconomic status, and catastrophic illnesses are associated with increased risk of suicide. Most studies have typically focused on the separate influences of physiological or psychological factors on suicide-related behaviors, and have rarely used national data records to examine and compare the effects of major physical illnesses, psychiatric disorders, and socioeconomic status on the risk of suicide-related behaviors. To identify the characteristics of people who exhibited suicide-related behaviors and the multiple factors associated with repeated suicide-related behaviors and deaths by suicide by examining national data records. This is a cohort study of Taiwan's national data records of hospitalized patients with suicide-related behaviors from January 1, 1997, to December 31, 2010. The study population included all people in Taiwan who were hospitalized with a code indicating suicide or self-inflicted injury (E950-E959) according to the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification. Self-poisoning was the most common method of self-inflicted injury among hospitalized patients with suicide-related behaviors who used a single method. Those who were female, had been hospitalized for suicide-related behaviors at a younger age, had a low income, had a psychiatric disorder (i.e., personality disorder, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, alcohol-related disorder, or adjustment disorder), had a catastrophic illness, or had been hospitalized for suicide-related behaviors that involved two methods of self-inflicted injury had a higher risk of hospitalization for repeated suicide-related behaviors. Those who were male, had been hospitalized for suicide-related behaviors at an older age, had low income, had schizophrenia, showed repeated suicide-related behaviors, had a catastrophic illness, or had adopted a single lethal method had an increased risk of death by suicide. High-risk factors should be considered when devising suicide-prevention strategies.
Effects of Different Genres of Music on the Psycho-Physiological Responses of Undergraduates
Undergraduate students face tremendous stressors from learning, interpersonal relationships, and life. Stress may cause adaptation exhaustion and stress-related disorders. While the results of recent clinical studies indicate that music interventions may alleviate stress, there is a dearth of research exploring the discrete effects of various genres of music on psycho-physiological status. To explore the effects of listening to different genres of music on the psycho-physiological responses of undergraduates. A one-group, pretest-posttest design was used. A total of 122 undergraduates were assigned to the following four music subgroups according to their musical preference: joyful, tense, sad, and peaceful. Students in each subgroup listened to the self-selected music for 15 minutes during the experiment. A physiological data acquisition systems, the State Anxiety Inventory, and the Visual Analogue Scale for anxiety and depression were used to measure the psycho-physiological responses of participants before,
The Pain-Relief Efficacy of Passive Music-Based Interventions in Cancer Patients Undergoing Diagnostic Biopsies and Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Music-based intervention is commonly used as a non-pharmacological strategy to reduce pain in hospitalized patients. To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine the effects of passive music-based interventions on pain relief in cancer patients undergoing diagnostic biopsies and surgeries and to identify the moderating variables in order to identify clinically validated interventional strategies and related suggestions. Studies using an RCT (randomized clinical trial) design that were published before 2016 were collected from the following databases: Cochrane Library/Trials, PubMed, PsycINFO, CINHAL, and Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System. The high-quality studies, defined as those earning a modified Jadad scale score >3, were then analyzed using comprehensive meta-analysis software. The passive music-based interventions had a small-to-moderate overall effect (g = -.42, p = .02) on pain relief in the subjects undergoing diagnostic biopsies and surgery in the analyzed studies (n = 12).
An experience applying the teaching strategies of cooperative learning and creative thinking in a mental-health nursing practicum for undergraduates at a technical college
Lack of knowledge and experience is prevalent in undergraduate students who are taking their clinical practicum for mental-health nursing. This issue negatively affects the learning process. This article shares an experience of implementing a practicum-teaching program. This program was developed by the authors to facilitate the cooperative learning and clinical care competence of students. A series of multidimensional teaching activities was designed by integrating the strategies of peer cooperation and creative thinking to promote group and individual learning. Results indicate that the program successfully encouraged the students to participate more actively in the learning process. Additionally, the students demonstrated increased competence in empathetic caring toward patients, stronger friendship relationships with peers, and improved self-growth. The authors hope this teaching program provides a framework to increase the benefits for students of participating in clinical practicums and provides a teach
背景:音樂是常使用於住院病人的非藥物性疼痛緩解策略。目的:透過系統性文獻回顧及統合分析,檢視被動式音樂對疑似或確診癌症病人在診斷性切片檢查及手術疼痛的緩解效應,並找出具臨床實證的應用策略與建議。方法:在Cochrane Library/Trials、PubMed、PsycINFO、CINHAL、台灣期刊論文索引系統五個中英文資料庫,搜尋2016年以前的隨機對照性試驗研究,以modified Jadad scale 3分以上者列為統合分析之題材,使用comprehensive meta-analysis進行資料處理及分析。結果:共12篇研究納入分析,發現被動式音樂對診斷性切片檢查及手術疼痛具有緩解效應,整體效果量(Hedges's g)為小至中度-.42(p = .02);次群組分析顯示:麻醉方式、介入環境、頻次及音樂治療師是顯著影響疼痛緩解效應的調節因子。結論/實務應用:本統合分析證實被動式音樂能有效減緩疑似或確診癌症病人,接受診斷性切片檢查或手術疼痛。建議未來可將之應用在全身麻醉手術前後,於等候室或病房環境、每日提供2-3次、由音樂治療師執行或指導的方案,乃為被動式音樂介入緩解疼痛的重要關鍵。
背景 大學生正邁入成人階段,面臨學習、人際關係與生活的多重壓力源,在壓力下可能因適應機轉耗竭而導致壓力症候群。近年已有多篇應用音樂緩解病人壓力的研究,但音樂型態與其對身心改變的歷程尚未深入探究。目的 探討聆聽不同音樂型態對大學生身心反應之影響。方法 採單組前後測研究設計,收集122位大學生,依個人興趣分組,分別聆聽組員自選的喜悅、緊張、悲傷或平靜音樂15分鐘,以生理監測儀、情境焦慮量表、及焦慮憂鬱視覺類比量表,收集聆聽音樂前、中、後的生理和心理資料,以SPSS 20.0軟體進行描述及推論統計分析。結果 發現僅平靜音樂比悲傷音樂較明顯緩解憂鬱;在15分鐘音樂聆聽期間,三項心率變異指標皆有顯著組間差異,喜悅音樂的LF(low frequency)改變量小於其他三組;平靜音樂的HF(high frequency)改變量小於緊張及喜悅音樂、或其LF/HF改變量小於悲傷及喜悅音樂;而高情境焦慮組在聆聽緊張音樂期間的HF的改變量大於平靜音樂,且於聆聽10分鐘後呈現上升。結論/實務應用 聆聽不同情緒類型音樂的效果有差異,尤其高焦慮者在聆聽緊張及悲傷音樂10分鐘後,有較高活化副交感神經活性的表現。喜悅及平靜音樂可降低焦慮和憂鬱,本研究可提供未來音樂應用或臨床照護者,針對病人的焦慮程度或緩解負面情緒的需要,可選擇運用喜悅、平靜或緊張的音樂,並觀察其在聆聽後的身心變化。