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Group differences in MEG-ICA derived resting state networks: Application to major depressive disorder
Group differences in MEG-ICA derived resting state networks: Application to major depressive disorder
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Group differences in MEG-ICA derived resting state networks: Application to major depressive disorder
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Group differences in MEG-ICA derived resting state networks: Application to major depressive disorder
Group differences in MEG-ICA derived resting state networks: Application to major depressive disorder

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Group differences in MEG-ICA derived resting state networks: Application to major depressive disorder
Group differences in MEG-ICA derived resting state networks: Application to major depressive disorder
Journal Article

Group differences in MEG-ICA derived resting state networks: Application to major depressive disorder

اطلب الآن واختر طريقة الاستلام
نظرة عامة
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have revealed the existence of robust, interconnected brain networks exhibiting correlated low frequency fluctuations during rest, which can be derived by examining inherent spatio-temporal patterns in functional scans independent of any a priori model. In order to explore the electrophysiological underpinnings of these networks, analogous techniques have recently been applied to magnetoencephalography (MEG) data, revealing similar networks that exhibit correlated low frequency fluctuations in the power envelope of beta band (14–30Hz) power. However, studies to date using this technique have concentrated on healthy subjects, and no method has yet been presented for group comparisons. We extended the ICA resting state MEG method to enable group comparisons, and demonstrate the technique in a sample of subjects with major depressive disorder (MDD). We found that the intrinsic resting state networks evident in fMRI appeared to be disrupted in individuals with MDD compared to healthy participants, particularly in the subgenual cingulate, although the electrophysiological correlates of this are unknown. Networks extracted from a combined group of healthy and MDD participants were examined for differences between groups. Individuals with MDD showed reduced correlations between the subgenual anterior cingulate (sgACC) and hippocampus in a network with primary nodes in the precentral and middle frontal gyri. Individuals with MDD also showed increased correlations between insulo-temporal nodes and amygdala compared to healthy controls. To further support our methods and findings, we present test/re-test reliability on independent recordings acquired within the same session. Our results demonstrate that group analyses are possible with the resting state MEG-independent component analysis (ICA) technique, highlighting a new pathway for analysis and discovery. This study also provides the first evidence of altered sgACC connectivity with a motor network. This finding, reliable across multiple sessions, suggests that the sgACC may partially mediate the psychomotor symptoms of MDD via synchronized changes in beta-band power, and expands the idea of the sgACC as a hub region mediating cognitive and emotional symptomatic domains in MDD. Findings of increased connectivity between the amygdala and cortical nodes further support the role of amygdalar networks in mediated depressive symptomatology. NCT00024635 (ZIA-MH002927-04) •A model-free Independent Component Analysis was used to extract networks.•A methodology for determining group differences was formulated and applied to MDD.•MDD patients had decreased connectivity between motor cortex and subgenual cingulate.•Increased connectivity was seen between unilateral temporal ICs & bilateral amygdala.