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43 نتائج ل "Hargrove, Levi J"
صنف حسب:
Dry EEG measurement of P3 to evaluate cognitive load during sitting, standing, and walking
Combining brain imaging with dual-task paradigms provides a quantitative, direct metric of cognitive load that is agnostic to the motor task. This work aimed to quantitatively assess cognitive load during activities of daily living-sitting, standing, and walking-using a commercial dry encephalography headset. We recorded participants' brain activity while engaging in a stimulus paradigm that elicited event-related potentials. The stimulus paradigm consisted of an auditory oddball task in which participants had to report the number of oddball tones that were heard during each motor task. We extracted the P3 event-related potential, which is inversely proportional to cognitive load, from EEG signals in each condition. Our main findings showed that P3 was significantly lower during walking compared to sitting (p = .039), suggesting that cognitive load was higher during walking compared to the other activities. There were no significant differences in P3 between sitting and standing. Head motion did not have a significant impact on the measurement of cognitive load. This work validates the use of a commercial dry-EEG headset for measuring cognitive load across different motor tasks. The ability to accurately measure cognitive load in dynamic activities opens new avenues for exploring cognitive-motor interactions in individuals with and without motor impairments. This work highlights the potential of dry EEG for measuring cognitive load in naturalistic settings.
Generating synthetic gait patterns based on benchmark datasets for controlling prosthetic legs
Abstract Background Prosthetic legs help individuals with an amputation regain locomotion. Recently, deep neural network (DNN)-based control methods, which take advantage of the end-to-end learning capability of the network, have been proposed. One prominent challenge for these learning-based approaches is obtaining data for the training, particularly for the training of a mid-level controller. In this study, we propose a method for generating synthetic gait patterns (vertical load and lower limb joint angles) using a generative adversarial network (GAN). This approach enables a mid-level controller to execute ambulation modes that are not included in the training datasets. Methods The conditional GAN is trained on benchmark datasets that contain the gait data of individuals without amputation; synthetic gait patterns are generated from the user input. Further, a DNN-based controller for the generation of impedance parameters is trained using the synthetic gait pattern and the corresponding synthetic stiffness and damping coefficients. Results The trained GAN generated synthetic gait patterns with a coefficient of determination of 0.97 and a structural similarity index of 0.94 relative to benchmark data that were not included in the training datasets. We trained a DNN-based controller using the GAN-generated synthetic gait patterns for level-ground walking, standing-to-sitting motion, and sitting-to-standing motion. Four individuals without amputation participated in bypass testing and demonstrated the ambulation modes. The model successfully generated control parameters for the knee and ankle based on thigh angle and vertical load. Conclusions This study demonstrates that synthetic gait patterns can be used to train DNN models for impedance control. We believe a conditional GAN trained on benchmark datasets can provide reliable gait data for ambulation modes that are not included in its training datasets. Thus, designing gait data using a conditional GAN could facilitate the efficient and effective training of controllers for prosthetic legs.
Configuring a powered knee and ankle prosthesis for transfemoral amputees within five specific ambulation modes
Lower limb prostheses that can generate net positive mechanical work may restore more ambulation modes to amputees. However, configuration of these devices imposes an additional burden on clinicians relative to conventional prostheses; devices for transfemoral amputees that require configuration of both a knee and an ankle joint are especially challenging. In this paper, we present an approach to configuring such powered devices. We developed modified intrinsic control strategies--which mimic the behavior of biological joints, depend on instantaneous loads within the prosthesis, or set impedance based on values from previous states, as well as a set of starting configuration parameters. We developed tables that include a list of desired clinical gait kinematics and the parameter modifications necessary to alter them. Our approach was implemented for a powered knee and ankle prosthesis in five ambulation modes (level-ground walking, ramp ascent/descent, and stair ascent/descent). The strategies and set of starting configuration parameters were developed using data from three individuals with unilateral transfemoral amputations who had previous experience using the device; this approach was then tested on three novice unilateral transfemoral amputees. Only 17% of the total number of parameters (i.e., 24 of the 140) had to be independently adjusted for each novice user to achieve all five ambulation modes and the initial accommodation period (i.e., time to configure the device for all modes) was reduced by 56%, to 5 hours or less. This approach and subsequent reduction in configuration time may help translate powered prostheses into a viable clinical option where amputees can more quickly appreciate the benefits such devices can provide.
Adapting myoelectric control in real-time using a virtual environment
Pattern recognition technology allows for more intuitive control of myoelectric prostheses. However, the need to collect electromyographic data to initially train the pattern recognition system, and to re-train it during prosthesis use, adds complexity that can make using such a system difficult. Although experienced clinicians may be able to guide users to ensure successful data collection methods, they may not always be available when a user needs to (re)train their device. Here we present an engaging and interactive virtual reality environment for optimal training of a myoelectric controller. Using this tool, we evaluated the importance of training a classifier actively (i.e., moving the residual limb during data collection) compared to passively (i.e., maintaining the limb in a single, neutral orientation), and whether computational adaptation through serious gaming can improve performance. We found that actively trained classifiers performed significantly better than passively trained classifiers for non-amputees (P < 0.05). Furthermore, collecting data passively with minimal instruction, paired with computational adaptation in a virtual environment, significantly improved real-time performance of myoelectric controllers. These results further support previous work which suggested active movements during data collection can improve pattern recognition systems. Furthermore, adaptation within a virtual guided serious game environment can improve real-time performance of myoelectric controllers.
Subject- and Environment-Based Sensor Variability for Wearable Lower-Limb Assistive Devices
Significant research effort has gone towards the development of powered lower limb prostheses that control power during gait. These devices use forward prediction based on electromyography (EMG), kinetics and kinematics to command the prosthesis which locomotion activity is desired. Unfortunately these predictions can have substantial errors, which can potentially lead to trips or falls. It is hypothesized that one reason for the significant prediction errors in the current control systems for powered lower-limb prostheses is due to the inter- and intra-subject variability of the data sources used for prediction. Environmental data, recorded from a depth sensor worn on a belt, should have less variability across trials and subjects as compared to kinetics, kinematics and EMG data, and thus its addition is proposed. The variability of each data source was analyzed, once normalized, to determine the intra-activity and intra-subject variability for each sensor modality. Then measures of separability, repeatability, clustering and overall desirability were computed. Results showed that combining Vision, EMG, IMU (inertial measurement unit), and Goniometer features yielded the best separability, repeatability, clustering and desirability across subjects and activities. This will likely be useful for future application in a forward predictor, which will incorporate Vision-based environmental data into a forward predictor for powered lower-limb prosthesis and exoskeletons.
Myoelectric prosthesis hand grasp control following targeted muscle reinnervation in individuals with transradial amputation
Despite the growing availability of multifunctional prosthetic hands, users' control and overall functional abilities with these hands remain limited. The combination of pattern recognition control and targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) surgery, an innovative technique where amputated nerves are transferred to reinnervate new muscle targets in the residual limb, has been used to improve prosthesis control of individuals with more proximal upper limb amputations (i.e., shoulder disarticulation and transhumeral amputation). The goal of this study was to determine if prosthesis hand grasp control improves following transradial TMR surgery. Eight participants were trained to use a multi-articulating hand prosthesis under myoelectric pattern recognition control. All participated in home usage trials pre- and post-TMR surgery. Upper limb outcome measures were collected following each home trial. Three outcome measures (Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure, Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test, and Box and Blocks Test) improved 9-12 months post-TMR surgery compared with pre-surgery measures. The Assessment of Capacity for Myoelectric Control and Activities Measure for Upper Limb Amputees outcome measures had no difference pre- and post-surgery. An offline electromyography analysis showed a decrease in grip classification error post-TMR surgery compared to pre-TMR surgery. Additionally, a majority of subjects noted qualitative improvements in their residual limb and phantom limb sensations post-TMR. The potential for TMR surgery to result in more repeatable muscle contractions, possibly due to the reduction in pain levels and/or changes to phantom limb sensations, may increase functional use of many of the clinically available dexterous prosthetic hands.
A gait phase prediction model trained on benchmark datasets for evaluating a controller for prosthetic legs
Powered lower-limb assistive devices, such as prostheses and exoskeletons, are a promising option for helping mobility-impaired individuals regain functional gait. Gait phase prediction plays an important role in controlling these devices and evaluating whether the device generates a gait similar to that of individuals with intact limbs. This study proposes a gait phase prediction method based on a deep neural network (DNN). The long short-term memory (LSTM)-based model predicts a continuous gait phase from the 250 ms history of the vertical load, thigh angle, knee angle, and ankle angle, commonly available on powered lower-limb assistive devices. One unified model was trained using publicly available benchmark datasets containing intact limb gaits for level-ground walking (LGW) and ascending stairs (SA). A phase prediction error of 1.28% for all benchmark datasets was obtained. The model was subsequently applied to a state machine-controlled powered prosthetic leg dataset collected from four individuals with unilateral transfemoral amputation. The gait phase prediction results (a phase prediction error of 5.70%) indicate that the model trained on benchmark data can be used for a system not included in the training dataset with no post-processing, such as model adaptation. Furthermore, it provided information regarding evaluation of the controller: whether the prosthetic leg generated normal gait. In conclusion, the proposed gait phase prediction model will facilitate efficient gait prediction and evaluation of controllers for powered lower-limb assistive devices.
Joint speed feedback improves myoelectric prosthesis adaptation after perturbed reaches in non amputees
Accurate control of human limbs involves both feedforward and feedback signals. For prosthetic arms, feedforward control is commonly accomplished by recording myoelectric signals from the residual limb to predict the user's intent, but augmented feedback signals are not explicitly provided in commercial devices. Previous studies have demonstrated inconsistent results when artificial feedback was provided in the presence of vision; some studies showed benefits, while others did not. We hypothesized that negligible benefits in past studies may have been due to artificial feedback with low precision compared to vision, which results in heavy reliance on vision during reaching tasks. Furthermore, we anticipated more reliable benefits from artificial feedback when providing information that vision estimates with high uncertainty (e.g. joint speed). In this study, we test an artificial sensory feedback system providing joint speed information and how it impacts performance and adaptation during a hybrid positional-and-myoelectric ballistic reaching task. We found that overall reaching errors were reduced after perturbed control, but did not significantly improve steady-state reaches. Furthermore, we found that feedback about the joint speed of the myoelectric prosthesis control improved the adaptation rate of biological limb movements, which may have resulted from high prosthesis control noise and strategic overreaching with the positional control and underreaching with the myoelectric control. These results provide insights into the relevant factors influencing the improvements conferred by artificial sensory feedback.
Evaluating EMG Feature and Classifier Selection for Application to Partial-Hand Prosthesis Control
Pattern recognition-based myoelectric control of upper-limb prostheses has the potential to restore control of multiple degrees of freedom. Though this control method has been extensively studied in individuals with higher-level amputations, few studies have investigated its effectiveness for individuals with partial-hand amputations. Most partial-hand amputees retain a functional wrist and the ability of pattern recognition-based methods to correctly classify hand motions from different wrist positions is not well studied. In this study, focusing on partial-hand amputees, we evaluate (1) the performance of non-linear and linear pattern recognition algorithms and (2) the performance of optimal EMG feature subsets for classification of four hand motion classes in different wrist positions for 16 non-amputees and 4 amputees. Our results show that linear discriminant analysis and linear and non-linear artificial neural networks perform significantly better than the quadratic discriminant analysis for both non-amputees and partial-hand amputees. For amputees, including information from multiple wrist positions significantly decreased error (  < 0.001) but no further significant decrease in error occurred when more than 4, 2, or 3 positions were included for the extrinsic (  = 0.07), intrinsic (  = 0.06), or combined extrinsic and intrinsic muscle EMG (  = 0.08), respectively. Finally, we found that a feature set determined by selecting optimal features from each channel outperformed the commonly used time domain (  < 0.001) and time domain/autoregressive feature sets (  < 0.01). This method can be used as a screening filter to select the features from each channel that provide the best classification of hand postures across different wrist positions.
Wrist speed feedback improves elbow compensation and reaching accuracy for myoelectric transradial prosthesis users in hybrid virtual reaching task
Myoelectric prostheses are a popular choice for restoring motor capability following the loss of a limb, but they do not provide direct feedback to the user about the movements of the device-in other words, kinesthesia. The outcomes of studies providing artificial sensory feedback are often influenced by the availability of incidental feedback. When subjects are blindfolded and disconnected from the prosthesis, artificial sensory feedback consistently improves control; however, when subjects wear a prosthesis and can see the task, benefits often deteriorate or become inconsistent. We theorize that providing artificial sensory feedback about prosthesis speed, which cannot be precisely estimated via vision, will improve the learning and control of a myoelectric prosthesis. In this study, we test a joint-speed feedback system with six transradial amputee subjects to evaluate how it affects myoelectric control and adaptation behavior during a virtual reaching task. Our results showed that joint-speed feedback lowered reaching errors and compensatory movements during steady-state reaches. However, the same feedback provided no improvement when control was perturbed. These outcomes suggest that the benefit of joint speed feedback may be dependent on the complexity of the myoelectric control and the context of the task.