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The cancer prevention manual : simple rules to reduce the risks
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The cancer prevention manual : simple rules to reduce the risks
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The cancer prevention manual : simple rules to reduce the risks

The cancer prevention manual : simple rules to reduce the risks

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Stories in the media about the cancer-causing risks present in everyday life can cause alarm and confusion, and make it difficult to know how to alter one's lifestyle. The Cancer Prevention Manual, Second Edition, is a handy guide to all key issues in cancer prevention, presenting medical and scientific information in a plain, accessible style. Written by authors with distinguished careers studying the illness, and based on a solid scientific grounding, this book provides the facts about how our lifestyles pose cancer risks, and what we can do to change them.-- cover.
Oxford University Press
9780198719854, 019871985X, 9780191030581, 0191030589
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RC268.S746 2016 1 BOOK AUTOSTORE