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The new garconne : how to be a modern gentlewoman
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The new garconne : how to be a modern gentlewoman
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The new garconne : how to be a modern gentlewoman
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The new garconne : how to be a modern gentlewoman

The new garconne : how to be a modern gentlewoman

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The New Garconne is a non-prescriptive guide for today's modern, independent and stylish woman. It espouses a grown-up style and attitude with a masculine-feminine aesthetic, where culture, history, beauty, intelligence, feminism, quality and taste are celebrated. Women who embody the look include Katharine Hepburn, Andree Putman, Lauren Hutton, Janelle Monae, Phoebe Philo, Ines de la Fressange, Tilda Swinton, Stella Tennant and Jenna Lyons. This visually inspiring book explores the look, history and essence of gentlewoman style. It features profiles of women who typify the style, alongside beautifully photographed and curated imagery and how-to-get-the look information.
Laurence King Publishing
9781780678580, 1780678584
Item info:
1 item available
1 item total in all locations
Holdings :
Call Number Copies Material Location
GT1720.B38 2016 1 BOOK AUTOSTORE