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5 result(s) for "Gribbin, Mary, author"
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Out of the Shadow of a Giant
No detailed description available for \"Out of the Shadow of a Giant\".
Einstein's masterwork : 1915 and the general theory of relativity
In 1915, Albert Einstein presented his masterwork to the Prussian Academy of Sciences - a theory of gravity, matter, space and time: the General Theory of Relativity. Einstein himself said it was 'the most valuable theory of my life', and 'of incomparable beauty'. It describes the evolution of the Universe, black holes, the behaviour of orbiting neutron stars, gravitational lensing, and why clocks run slower on the surface of the Earth than in space. It even suggests the possibility of time travel. And yet we think instead of 1905, the year of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity and his equation E=mc2, as his annus mirabilis, even though the Special Theory is less far-reaching. Today the General Theory is overshadowed by these achievements, regarded as 'too difficult' for ordinary mortals to comprehend. In Einstein's Masterwork, John Gribbin puts Einstein's astonishing breakthrough in the context of his life and work, and make it clear why his greatest year was indeed 1915.
Try these for size
This is no riddle-me-ree, but one of the many little things no one has ever thought to tell you about the enormous polar bear. Or, for that matter, other Big Animals like the elephant, anaconda snake, gorilla, giraffe, hippopotamus, tiger, crocodile and kangaroo, each of which has natural peculiarities. Today's world of animated cartoons and television documentaries already bring animals to life in any number of ways for young children, as is reflected in their early vocabulary and flights of imagination. `First Discovery' could well be a junior version of the Ladybird Discovery series (reviewed earlier). Similar features include a glossary of words unfamiliar to younger readers, a list of fascinating facts, and a fold-out frieze showing comparative sizes of the subjects.
Companion to the cosmos
This is a comprehensive guide to everything mankind knows about the universe, written by one of our most noted science popularisers. The book takes the form of an A-Z, and ends with a timeline of key dates in scientific history.