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10 result(s) for "Pollack, Pam, author"
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Who was Charles Dickens?
Highlights the life and accomplishments of the English novelist notable for such works as \"Oliver Twist\" and \"A Christmas Carol,\" including his rise from boyhood poverty, his literary career, and his personal life.
Who was Lucille Ball?
Presents the life of the comic actress, discussing her childhood, marriage to and divorce from Desi Arnaz, and her career on the successful television hit series \"I Love Lucy.\"
Who were the Three Stooges?
\"The Three Stooges were the hardworking children of immigrants and discovered a love of performing at an early age. Starting out as a vaudeville act, they soon transitioned into movies, becoming a worldwide sensation in feature films and shorts. Never the critics' darlings, audiences loved them for their mastery of physical comedy and their willingness to do anything for a laugh. They remained popular over the years despite several personnel changes that revolved around the three Howard brothers from Brooklyn\"-- Provided by publisher.
Who was Nelson Mandela?
Describes the life of the South African president and revolutionary from his childhood and his work as a peaceful protestor to his twenty-seven-year imprisonment, his election as president, and his work to end apartheid in South Africa.
Who is George Lucas?
Highlights the life and accomplishments of the creator of the \"Star Wars\" and \"Indiana Jones\" movies, whose technological innovations have had a major impact on the film industry.
Who was Lewis Carroll?
\"Meet the man who created Alice, the Mad Hatter, and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Lewis Carroll is the pen name of Charles L. Dodgson, a mathematician and church deacon, who taught at Oxford University. He was inspired to write his best known works, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, by one of the Dean's daughters, Alice Liddell. The books were hugely successful and brought Carroll wide acclaim, especially for the nonsense poems \"Jabberwocky\" and The Hunting of the Snark. Children and adults continue to be delighted by the fantasy of the Alice stories, which have been the basis of plays and movies since their publication in Victorian England during the 1860s and 1870s\"-- Provided by publisher.
Who is Bono?
\"By age 16, Paul David Hewson was such a good singer that he had earned the nickname \"Bono Vox,\" a Latin phrase that translates to \"good voice.\" When he became the frontman of the newly formed rock band U2 in 1976, he adopted part of the nickname and \"Bono\" was introduced to the world. In addition to having stellar vocals and a compelling stage presence, Bono is also recognized for his commitment to social justice. This book shares the story of this charitable rock star...\"--Publisher's description.