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Meso-Organizations and the Creation of Knowledge
Competitive advantage in today's complex and global marketplace is no longer created by the internal resources of a single organization or organizational group. Businesses must reach beyond the traditional boundaries of their organization, industry and market to form diverse networks that can create truly unique value. Japan is now in its longest recession of the post-World War II period. This failure stems from macroeconomic malfunctioning and-more important-from the country's cultural environment, which has been inhibiting domestic corporations' abilities to respond to dire socio-economic issues. As all traditional attempts to revitalize the economy have failed, creative ideas and purposeful interventions are necessary for survival. Past business assumptions must be discarded, the most important of which is the emphasis on insular business practices that focus on the internal environment of a single organization or corporate group. Unique value can no longer by created in a static and limited manner. To create unique value in the increasingly sophisticated, advanced and fragmented environment of the global marketplace, corporations are forming partnerships that cross all societal boundaries. The authors coin the term meso-organizations for such networks that go beyond the scope of traditional businesses and bring in individuals, organizations from different industries and not-for-profit organizations into their business processes, and that view their environments as extensions of themselves. This book pulls together and expands on various theories of networks and knowledge creation to present a framework that captures the complex nature of today's business domain and processes, and offers suggestions for wide-ranging collaboration.
Managing Information Risk
Information risk is endemic in any modern organisation. From the potential for losing sensitive information to a full-system crash that incapacitates the company, the consequences can be disastrous. Information risk management is a method of assessing information threats and taking actions to minimise the chances of risks becoming a reality. With properly implemented security controls based on risk assessment, you could stop your company from having to suffer huge financial or reputational fallout. This pocket guide addresses the scope of risks involved in a modern IT system, and outlines strategies for working through the process of putting risk management at the heart of your corporate culture. The guide draws on the work of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, together with UK government white papers and interviews with board-level risk management practitioners.
The Maoists in India
Delves deep into the intractable but under-reported struggle between the Indian state and Maoist groups who control swathes of the Indian countryside.
Worldside Perspectives On Information Literacy And It Literacy
Librarians often like to debate the role of their national professional association. It is always good to analyse the role of institutions, and bodies such as the American Library Association, the Australian Library and Information Association and the UK's Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (formerly the Library Association) are all certainly well-established institutions.
Gedenkscrift For Rob Kling
In academia, a Festschrift [1] is a publication honoring a respected academic. It contains original contributions from former PhD students and close colleagues which advance the scholarship or science of a specific discipline. Typically published on the academic's birthday or on some notable anniversary, it is a \"celebration publication\".
Special issues dedicated to the life and work of Heinz von Foerster The recent double issue: Developing second-order cybernetics (SOC), Kybernetes, Vol. 33 Nos 9/10, 2004, highlighted developments in SOC and discussed its future developments. This initiative was the forerunner of the issues that have been prepared to honour the late Professor Heinz von Foerster who is regarded as one of the leading and inspirational figures of modern cybernetics and systems and whose name is synonymous with SOC.
Unlv Libraries
Part 1 if a two-volume on Lied Library at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas that focuses on major changes, new services, and technology issues four years after the opening of the new main library. Features a graphical timeline of events, and articles on post-construction thoughts, website redesign, organizational change, the automated storage and retrieval system (LASR), and a virtual branch library, among other topics.
Technology In Knowlegde Management
In the last five to six years, we have seen plenty of knowledge management (KM) projects come and go. Many of these projects were successful and organizations are still leveraging benefits from their KM systems. However, it is also fair to say that a considerable proportion of KM projects/initiatives have failed.
Greening the Data Center
Technological advances are only part of the equation. If you want to green your data centre, you will need to come up with a plan and to be able to implement it. Involving your employees in the process is crucial, and the culture within your organisation will have to change as well. This book tells you the most important steps you have to take to make your data storage more environmentally friendly. By following the author’s expert advice, you can lower your organisation’s energy consumption and therefore reduce your overheads.