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3,523,111 result(s) for "Crime"
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A research agenda for global crime
'Elgar Research Agendas' outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. It is becoming more important in the modern, globalised period to understand the power of illicit and illegal acts and actors in shaping our world. Opening with chapters that look across the diverse terrain of global crime, this book moves on to consider key specific areas, including: organised crime, cyber crime, war crimes, terrorism, state and private violence, riots and political protest, prisons, sport and crime and counterfeit goods.
The Politics of Cross-Border Crime in Greater China
The book focused on how governments in the Greater China region cooperated among themselves to fight different types of cross-border crime.
McMafia : crime without frontiers
\"In this book, Misha Glenny takes us on a journey through the new world of international organised crime. For three years, he has been recording the stories of gun runners in Ukraine, money launderers in Dubai, drug syndicates in Canada, cyber criminals in Brazil, racketeers in Japan and many more. During his investigation of the dark side, he has spoken to countless gangsters, policemen and victims of organised crime while also exploring the ferocious consumer demand for drugs, trafficked women, illegal labour and arms across five continents.\"--Jacket.
Mafias on the move
Organized crime is spreading like a global virus as mobs take advantage of open borders to establish local franchises at will. That at least is the fear, inspired by stories of Russian mobsters in New York, Chinese triads in London, and Italian mafias throughout the West.
Murder, Inc., and the Moral Life
Murder, Inc. and the Moral Life: Gangsters and Gangbusters in La Guardia's New York focuses on the dramatic trials of a group of Brooklyn gangsters in 1940 and 1941. The media nicknamed the gangsters \"Murder, Inc.,\" and that nickname quickly became a kind of free-floating \"meme,\" linked at various times to criminals in general; to a record label; and even to a Bruce Springsteen song. The 1940-1941 trials inspired a wave of media coverage, several books and memoirs, and a sub-genre of the gangster film. The trials concluded with a notorious and unsolved murder mystery. Murder, Inc. narrates the life and times of the Brooklyn gang, and also relates their lives both to New York's Roaring Twenties and Depression era gangs and to the wider \"gangster\" culture expressed especially in the film. At the same time, Murder, Inc., is a moral reflection on the gangsters; the gangbusters, like Fiorello La Guardia and Thomas Dewey, who opposed them; and popular culture's fascination with \"gangsterism.\" It is especially this combination of crime story and moral reflection that makes Murder, Inc. unique.
McMafia : a journey through the global criminal underworld
\"In this [book] ..., veteran reporter Misha Glenny travels across five continents to speak with participants from every level of the global underworld--police, victims, politicians, and even the criminals themselves. What follows is a ... look at an unprecedented phenomenon from a savvy, street-wise guide\"
Disability Hate Crimes
Disability hate crimes are a global problem. They are often violent and hyper-aggressive, with life-changing effects on victims, and they send consistent messages of intolerance and bigotry. This ground-breaking book shows that disability hate crimes do exist, that they have unique characteristics which distinguish them from other hate crimes, and that more effective policies and practices can and must be developed to respond and prevent them. With particular focus on the UK and USA's contrasting response to this issue, this book will help readers to define hate crimes as well as place them within their wider social context. It discusses the need for legislative recognition and essential improvements on the reporting of incidents and assistance for individual victims of these crimes, as well as the need to address the social exclusion of disabled people and the negative attitudes surrounding their condition.