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57,908 result(s) for "Heterogeneity"
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More years, more technologies: Aging in the digital era
This special issue presents research on the role of digital health and communication technologies in later life. Drawing from the observation that people’s longer lives are affected by digital technologies to varying extents and recognizing the vast supply of traditional and digital technologies targeted at older users, we maintain that the principle of aged heterogeneity also manifests itself with respect to the adoption and use of digital technologies. Basing on the findings presented in the articles of the issue, we conclude n this introduction to the issue that the concept of aged heterogeneity and the particularities of old age as a stage of life are still insufficiently incorporated into the design of digital technologies and applications.
An improved LED junction temperature test method based on FCM
High junction temperature (Tj) of LED will affect the performance and life of LED, so this paper proposes a high-power LED junction temperature test method. Mainly aiming at the problem that the accuracy of the forward current method (FCM) will be affected by the calibration procedure, equipment aging, and technical differences when batch testing LED Tj, this paper uses the relationship between relative current and Tj to calibrate the procedure based on this method, to limit the negative affection of sample heterogeneity. Ten LED samples were tested in the experiment, and the Tj errors under two test methods were obtained. The results showed that the improved method was more accurate than the traditional method. Then, the Tj error of the improved method was compared with that of the forward voltage method, and the error of the new method was smaller.
Ovarian Cancer: A Heterogeneous Disease
Ovarian cancer encompasses a collection of neoplasms with distinct clinicopathological and molecular features and prognosis. Despite there being a variety of ovarian cancer subtypes, these are treated as a single disease. Tremendous efforts have been made to characterize these subtypes and identify tumoral pathways and potential biomarkers for therapeutic strategies. As in other cancer types, tumor heterogeneity appears to be very high across subtypes and within a single tumor, representing a major cause of treatment failure. We describe the morphological and molecular heterogeneity among ovarian cancers and discuss recent advances in our understanding of intratumor heterogeneity.
Heterogeneity in Gastric Cancer: From Pure Morphology to Molecular Classifications
Gastric cancer (GC) represents a global health concern. Despite advances in prevention, diagnosis, and therapy, GC is still the third leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide, with more than 720,000 estimated deaths in 2012. Overall survival for advanced disease is about 1 year, a dismal prognosis that is partly due to the high levels of biological heterogeneity found in GC. Indeed, GC is a highly heterogeneous disease from morphological and molecular standpoints. The numerous histological and molecular classifications currently available reflect such heterogeneity. Although recent high-throughput studies cluster the molecular data obtained into subgroups with clinical relevance, we still need a practical, prognostic, and predictive classification system, integrating morphological and molecular features, towards the identification of novel therapeutic targets. It is noteworthy that GC heterogeneity encompasses not only interpatient variability (intertumour heterogeneity), but also variations within the same tumour (intratumour heterogeneity). The latter encompasses spatial heterogeneity (in different tumour areas) and temporal heterogeneity (along progression from primary to recurrent and/or metastatic disease). In this review, we analyse the morphological, immunophenotypic, and molecular heterogeneity in GC as the basis for a better understanding of the disease, and discuss the practical implications for diagnostic pathology, prognostic evaluation, and precision therapy.