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56 result(s) for "Imaginary places Juvenile fiction."
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In a world where some people are born with extreme and often-feared skills called Graces, Katsa struggles for redemption from her own horrifying Grace, the Grace of killing, and teams up with another young fighter to save their land from a corrupt king.
The secret of platform 13
Odge Gribble, a young hag, joins an old wizard, a gentle fey, and a giant ogre on a journey from their magical kingdom to London to rescue the young prince who was stolen as an infant nine years before.
Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Dorothy lives a peaceful though dull life on the Kansas prairie with Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. When Dorothy and her dog Toto are carried off by a tornado to the land of Oz, magical adventures begin. To get back home, Dorothy must avoid the Wicked Witch and travel the yellow brick road with the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion to meet the Wizard of Oz. Each of the friends is searching for something; they face many dangers on their quest, while their answers may be closer than they think. This unabridged version of L. Frank Baum's classic childhood story was first published in the United States in 1900.
The kingdom revealed
This is a story about a young boy who didn't want to be King. What he wanted, more than anything, was to be normal. So one night, he runs away from the palace. He climbs out of his four-poster bed, disappears through the hidden door in the ceiling, creeps down a long-forgotten passageway, opens a small window and leaves behind everything he's ever known. At first, everything, including all the things that we take for granted, seem extraordinary. It feels as though the world is a magical place. But with nothing apart from the clothes he is wearing, it isn't long before the young King realises he needs to learn how to survive. Meanwhile, Lord Von Dronus, the most senior of all the King's courtiers, is determined that no one find out that the young King has disappeared.
The Secrets of Solace by Jaleigh Johnson (review)
The two bond over an airship that Lina has found and attempt to discover how to get it running again, while they also try to keep Ozben alive through multiple assassination attempts.While this novel doesn’t quite have the peppy steampunk flair of Johnson’s prior title, Mark of the Dragonfly (BCCB 5/14), there is still a significant amount of shared, overlapping details, and the lush descriptions in the former novel are still very much present in this stand-alone followup.
A crown of talons
Fight or flight or both? Three months after Aderyn's coronation the court is celebrating the Solstice, but Aderyn is preoccupied by Lucien's continuing hostility. The celebrations are interrupted by the arrival of nobles who have escaped from the neighbouring country of Celonia, the flightless have risen up and overthrown their rulers. The world is changing. As people begin to question whether Aderyn and Aron are strong enough to rule, there is an attempted assassination on Aderyn's life. Siegfried and Tallis have made their move, they have formed an army, declared war and will take the throne, by any means necessary. Aderyn must fly to uncharted territories and risk the lives of everyone she loves, to defeat her enemies, secure her throne and unite her people.
The annotated Phantom tollbooth
Presents an annotated edition of Norton Juster's story about ten-year-old Milo, who is the owner of a magic tollbooth, and his experiences in the \"Lands Beyond,\" and includes interviews with the author and illustrator, excerpts from Juster's notes and drafts, commentary, and more.