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302,691 result(s) for "PHOTOGRAPHY"
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Inspiration in photography : train your mind to make great art a habit / Brooke Shaden
\"Inspiration is not a far-flung concept, out of reach to all but a few great artists, nor is it a matter of chance. As a photographer it's possible to train your mind to see the creative possibilities in any situation. Featuring the pioneering work of author Brooke Shaden and a selection of carefully chosen contributing photographers, this book provides the perfect balance of insight and instruction to help you find inspiration whenever you need it and capitalize on it every time.\"'--Front flap.
Argentine, Mexican, and Guatemalan Photography
One of the important cultural responses to political and sociohistorical events in Latin America is a resurgence of urban photography, which typically blends high art and social documentary. But unlike other forms of cultural production in Latin America, photography has received relatively little sustained critical analysis. This pioneering book offers one of the first in-depth investigations of the complex and extensive history of gendered perspectives in Latin American photography through studies of works from Argentina, Mexico, and Guatemala.David William Foster examines the work of photographers ranging from the internationally acclaimed artists Graciela Iturbide, Pedro Meyer, and Marcos López to significant photographers whose work is largely unknown to English-speaking audiences. He grounds his essays in four interlocking areas of research: the experience of human life in urban environments, the feminist matrix and gendered cultural production, Jewish cultural production, and the ideological principles of cultural works and the connections between the works and the sociopolitical and historical contexts in which they were created. Foster reveals how gender-marked photography has contributed to the discourse surrounding the project of redemocratization in Argentina and Guatemala, as well as how it has illuminated human rights abuses in both countries. He also traces photography's contributions to the evolution away from the masculinist-dominated post–1910 Revolution ideology in Mexico. This research convincingly demonstrates that Latin American photography merits the high level of respect that is routinely accorded to more canonical forms of cultural production.
A chronology of photography : a cultural timeline from camera obscura to Instagram
A Chronology of Photography' presents a fresh perspective on the medium by taking a purely chronological approach to its history, tracing the complex links between technological innovations, social changes, and artistic interventions. Structured around a central timeline that charts the development of photography from early experiments with optics right up to the present-day explosion of digital media, it features sumptuous reproductions of key photographs, together with commentaries and contextual information about the social, political and cultural events of the period in which they were taken. Special technical sections that explain how the development of new camera technology impacted the practice of photography, while feature spreads highlight important themes and influential practitioners. Covering a wide selection of genres, styles and artists, it is invaluable as a comprehensive guide to photography in all its different forms and functions.
Going Digital: Den Digitalen Wandel Gestalten, Das Leben Verbessern
Digitale Technologien und Daten verändern unser Lebensumfeld. Menschen, Unternehmen und staatliche Stellen agieren, kommunizieren und operieren heute anders als in der Vergangenheit - und diese Veränderungen beschleunigen sich zusehends. Wie können wir das gewaltige Potenzial ausschöpfen, das digitale Technologien und Daten zur Steigerung von Wachstum und Lebensqualität in einer sich rasch wandelnden Welt bieten? Dieser Bericht soll Antworten auf diese Frage liefern. Er geht auf sieben Aspekte ein, bei denen die Regierungen - zusammen mit Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, Unternehmen und anderen betroffenen Akteuren - ansetzen können, um den digitalen Wandel zu gestalten und das Leben zu verbessern. In jedem dieser Bereiche zeigt der Bericht Chancen, Herausforderungen und Handlungsoptionen auf. Außerdem liefert er neue Erkenntnisse, Daten und Analysen sowie Empfehlungen für eine bessere Politik im digitalen Zeitalter.