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Stepping in the same river twice : replication in biological research
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Stepping in the same river twice : replication in biological research
Stepping in the same river twice : replication in biological research

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Stepping in the same river twice : replication in biological research

Stepping in the same river twice : replication in biological research

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An international team of biologists, philosophers, and historians of science explores the critically important process of replication in biological and biomedical research. Without replication, the trustworthiness of scientific research remains in doubt. Although replication is increasingly recognized as a central problem in many scientific disciplines, repeating the same scientific observations of experiments or reproducing the same set of analyses from existing data is remarkably difficult. In this important volume, an international team of biologists, philosophers, and historians of science addresses challenges and solutions for valid replication of research in medicine, ecology, natural history, agriculture, physiology, and computer science. After the introduction to important concepts and historical background, the book offers paired chapters that provide theoretical overviews followed by detailed case studies. These studies range widely in topics, from infectious-diseases and environmental monitoring to museum collections, meta-analysis, bioinformatics, and more. The closing chapters explicate and quantify problems in the case studies, and the volume concludes with important recommendations for best practices. -- Provided by publisher.
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QH315.S8147 2017 1 BOOK AUTOSTORE