
Do you wish to reserve the book?
الخدمة الاجتماعية في المستشفيات
الخدمة الاجتماعية في المستشفيات
Hey, we have placed the reservation for you!
Hey, we have placed the reservation for you!
By the way, why not check out events that you can attend while you pick your title.
You are currently in the queue to collect this book. You will be notified once it is your turn to collect the book.
Oops! Something went wrong.
Oops! Something went wrong.
Looks like we were not able to place the reservation. Kindly try again later.
Are you sure you want to remove the book from the shelf?
الخدمة الاجتماعية في المستشفيات
Oops! Something went wrong.
Oops! Something went wrong.
While trying to remove the title from your shelf something went wrong :( Kindly try again later!
Title added to your shelf!
Title added to your shelf!
View what I already have on My Shelf.
Oops! Something went wrong.
Oops! Something went wrong.
While trying to add the title to your shelf something went wrong :( Kindly try again later!
Do you wish to request the book?
الخدمة الاجتماعية في المستشفيات
الخدمة الاجتماعية في المستشفيات

Please be aware that the book you have requested cannot be checked out. If you would like to checkout this book, you can reserve another copy
How would you like to get it?
We have requested the book for you! Sorry the robot delivery is not available at the moment
We have requested the book for you!
We have requested the book for you!
Your request is successful and it will be processed during the Library working hours. Please check the status of your request in My Requests.
Oops! Something went wrong.
Oops! Something went wrong.
Looks like we were not able to place your request. Kindly try again later.
الخدمة الاجتماعية في المستشفيات
الخدمة الاجتماعية في المستشفيات

الخدمة الاجتماعية في المستشفيات

Request now and choose the collection method
تعتبر الخدمة الطبية من أهم قطاعات الخدمة الاجتماعية التي تعني بها دول العالم لما لها من أثر مباشر في حمايه أفراد المجتمع من خطر المرض وتوفير أسباب الرفاهيه وتحقيق خطط التنمية وبرامج الإنتاج كما أن مستوى الأمم وتقدمها يقاس بمستوى ما تيسره الأمة لأفراد من رعاية طبية جادة فتحدد معياراها في تحقيق تكافؤ الفرص بين الجميع وتقديم تلك الرعاية في ظروف مسيرة وقادرة على الخدمة وقبل أن نقوم بعرض موضوع الخدمة الاجتماعية في المجال الطبي كجحر الأساس في الرعاية الطبية ويوضح هذا الكتاب المفاهيم أولا وبعض المفاهيم والمصطلحات التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
مكتبة المتنبي
Item info:
2 items available
2 items total in all locations
Holdings :
Call Number Copies Material Location
HV 40 .Q27 2015 1 BOOK GENERAL