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Defining events : power, resistance and identity in twenty-first-century Ireland
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Defining events : power, resistance and identity in twenty-first-century Ireland
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Defining events : power, resistance and identity in twenty-first-century Ireland
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Defining events : power, resistance and identity in twenty-first-century Ireland

Defining events : power, resistance and identity in twenty-first-century Ireland

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This book re-visits and re-thinks some recent defining events in Irish society. Each chapter focuses on an event that has occurred since the start of the twenty first century. Some were high profile, some were \"fringe\" events, others were widely discussed in popular culture at the time. A number of chapters focus on key moments of protest and popular mobilisation. All of the events covered provide rich insights into the dynamics of Irish society; exposing underlying and complex issues of identity, power and resistance that animate public debate. The book ultimately encourages readers to question the sources of, limits and obstacles to change in contemporary Ireland. The book brings together critical commentators from a diverse range of social science disciplines. These writers make important contributions to intellectual life and discourse about social, economic and cultural issues in today's Ireland. This makes for an original, timely and genuinely inter-disciplinary text.
Manchester University Press
9780719090561, 0719090563, 9780719090578, 0719090571
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