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The age of secularization

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\"A thought-provoking collection of essays and lectures by one of the most perceptive Italian cultural critics of the period after World War Two. The Age of Secularization is a collection of eleven essays and lectures by Augusto Del Noce, which originally appeared in print between 1964 and 1969 and which Del Noce himself selected and re-published as a book in 1970. By that time he had already established his reputation as one of Italy's foremost historians of ideas and political thinkers, and The Age of Secularization was quickly recognized as one of the most original and penetrating attempts to interpret the cultural and political turmoil of the late 1960's. Among other topics, Del Noce discusses the student protests of 1968, the counter-culture of the sixties, the significance of the sexual revolution, the nature of the technological society and the relationship between Christianity and modern culture. The Age of Secularization documents the encounter, so to speak, between a key period of contemporary history and the full intellectual maturity of one of its most perceptive observers. This is one of the reasons why it remains surprisingly relevant and fresh almost fifty years later.\"-- Provided by publisher.
McGill Queen's University Press
0773550909, 9780773550902, 0773550917, 9780773550919
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HN17.D4513 2017 1 BOOK AUTOSTORE