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An atlas of imaginary places
An atlas of imaginary places
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An atlas of imaginary places
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An atlas of imaginary places
An atlas of imaginary places

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An atlas of imaginary places

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Upside-down mountains, volcanoes that spew bubble gum, a gentle humpback whale keeping an entire city afloat. These and other wonderful worlds may not exist on Earth, but elsewhere - who knows? Each spread of this captivating book invites readers on a fantastic voyage. Ana de Lima's whimsical, softly coloured illustrations are filled with surprising details that reward close examination, while Mia Cassany's soothing narrator is a nameless fellow traveller. A jungle where the animals exchange stripes, spots, and markings each time they sneeze, an archipelago made up of dessert-shaped islands, and a lighthouse so tall you can draw a new galaxy with your finger are just some of the wild places to visit.
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