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Marketing rural tourism : experience and enterprise
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Marketing rural tourism : experience and enterprise

Marketing rural tourism : experience and enterprise

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\"Gunjan Saxena seeks to encourage a fuller understanding of rural tourism marketing by uncovering the lived experiences and enterprise of different actor groups as they respond to the impact of tourism on their communities and cultural identities. Marketing Rural Tourism presents actor narratives to reveal nuances inherent in their practices and perceptions as they develop, support or oppose tourism in their locality. By focusing on actors' experience and enterprise involved in the ongoing production, consumption and marketing of rural landscapes for tourism, this book enables an insight into varied storylines that underlie the processes of place-making. Academics in the area of marketing and tourism, as well as development studies, will appreciate the contribution this book will make to the wider marketing discourse that circulates about rural destinations. The book will also be a valuable resource to undergraduate students looking to incorporate fresh conceptual insights into their projects, as well as postgraduate students looking to apply newer approaches to conceptualising tourism or place marketing.\" -- Back cover.
Edward Elgar Publishing
9781784710873, 1784710873
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1 item available
1 item total in all locations
Holdings :
Call Number Copies Material Location
G155.A1 S266 2016 1 BOOK AUTOSTORE