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The changing face of portrait photography : from daguerreotype to digital
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The changing face of portrait photography : from daguerreotype to digital
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The changing face of portrait photography : from daguerreotype to digital
The changing face of portrait photography : from daguerreotype to digital

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The changing face of portrait photography : from daguerreotype to digital

The changing face of portrait photography : from daguerreotype to digital

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\"A richly illustrated volume examines ten photographers' portrait work and explores the power of the portrait and the role it plays in our personal and national identities. The Changing Face of Portrait Photography explores ten groups of portraits selected from within the Smithsonian National Museum of American History's Photographic History Collection. The selections represent work by specific photographers with diverse relationships to portraiture, and through their sampling take a focused look at changing convention, theory, and technologies\"-- Provided by publisher.
National Museum of American History in association with the Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press
9781588342744, 1588342743
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TR575.P463 2011 1 BOOK ARTS