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Straight talk on trade : ideas for a sane world economy
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Straight talk on trade : ideas for a sane world economy
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Straight talk on trade : ideas for a sane world economy
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Straight talk on trade : ideas for a sane world economy

Straight talk on trade : ideas for a sane world economy

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\"Rodrik takes globalization's cheerleaders to task, not for emphasizing economics over other values, but for practicing bad economics and ignoring the discipline{u2019}s own nuances that should have called for caution. He makes a case for a pluralist world economy where nation-states retain sufficient autonomy to fashion their own social contracts and develop economic strategies tailored to their needs. Rather than calling for closed borders or defending protectionists, Rodrik shows how we can restore a sensible balance between national and global governance. Ranging over the recent experiences of advanced countries, the eurozone, and developing nations, Rodrik charts a way forward with new ideas about how to reconcile today{u2019}s inequitable economic and technological trends with liberal democracy and social inclusion. Deftly navigating the tensions among globalization, national sovereignty, and democracy, Straight Talk on Trade presents an indispensable commentary on today{u2019}s world economy and its dilemmas, and offers a visionary framework at a critical time when we need it most.\"--Provided by publisher.
Princeton University Press
9780691177847, 0691177848
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HF1713.R6154 2018 1 BOOK BUSINESS