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The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence
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The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence

The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence

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\"This volume provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date compendium of theory and research in the field of human intelligence. Each of the 42 chapters is written by world-renowned experts in their respective fields, and, collectively, they cover the full range of topics of contemporary interest in the study of intelligence. The handbook is divided into nine parts: Part I covers intelligence and its measurement; Part II deals with the development of intelligence; Part III discusses intelligence and group differences; Part IV concerns the biology of intelligence; Part V is about intelligence and information processing; Part VI discusses different kinds of intelligence; Part VII covers intelligence and society; Part VIII concerns intelligence in relation to allied constructs; and Part IX is the concluding chapter, which reflects on where the field is currently and where it still needs to go\"-- Provided by publisher.
Cambridge University Press
9780521518062, 0521518067, 9780521739115, 052173911X
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1 item available
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Holdings :
Call Number Copies Material Location
BF431.C26837 2011 1 BOOK GENERAL