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The unexpected professor : an Oxford life in books
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The unexpected professor : an Oxford life in books
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The unexpected professor : an Oxford life in books

The unexpected professor : an Oxford life in books

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John Carey describes in this warm and funny memoir the events that formed him - an escape from the London blitz to an idyllic rural village, army service in Egypt, an open scholarship to Oxford and an academic career that saw him elected, age 40, to Oxford's oldest English literature professorship. He frankly portrays the snobberies and rituals of 1950s Oxford, but also his inspiring meetings with writers and poets - Auden, Graves, Larkin, Heaney - and his 40-year stint as a lead book-reviewer for the Sunday Times.
Faber & Faber,CPI Group (UK) Ltd
9780571310920, 0571310923
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LF 526 .C37 A3 2014 1 BOOK AUTOSTORE