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Egyptian places : an illustrated travelogue
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Egyptian places : an illustrated travelogue

Egyptian places : an illustrated travelogue

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Egyptian Places: An Illustrated Travelogue', presents an architect's account of visits to 12 of Ancient Egypt's most spectacular sites, a journey that transports the reader from the urban metropolis of Cairo and the Great Pyramid of Giza to the remote desert setting of the rock-cut temple at Abu Simbel; with visits to other monumental temples and towering pyramids which line the Nile River.0The book recreates that journey, describing important architectural features of these sacred monuments, their mystic foundations, and religious significance. Over 200 colour hand drawings and graphic studies capture and interpret the character of each site from the architect's unique perspective.
Oro Editions
1951541219, 9781951541217
Item info:
2 items available
2 items total in all locations
Holdings :
Call Number Copies Material Location
DT47 .A96 2020 1 BOOK MAPS
NA 215 .A96 2020 1 BOOK ARTS