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Kosmos Emma Kunz : eine Visionärin im Dialog mit zeitgenössischer Kunst : Aargauer Kunsthaus = Emma Kunz cosmos : a visionary in dialogue with contemporary art : Aargauer Kunsthaus
Kosmos Emma Kunz : eine Visionärin im Dialog mit zeitgenössischer Kunst : Aargauer Kunsthaus = Emma Kunz cosmos : a visionary in dialogue with contemporary art : Aargauer Kunsthaus
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Kosmos Emma Kunz : eine Visionärin im Dialog mit zeitgenössischer Kunst : Aargauer Kunsthaus = Emma Kunz cosmos : a visionary in dialogue with contemporary art : Aargauer Kunsthaus
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Kosmos Emma Kunz : eine Visionärin im Dialog mit zeitgenössischer Kunst : Aargauer Kunsthaus = Emma Kunz cosmos : a visionary in dialogue with contemporary art : Aargauer Kunsthaus
Kosmos Emma Kunz : eine Visionärin im Dialog mit zeitgenössischer Kunst : Aargauer Kunsthaus = Emma Kunz cosmos : a visionary in dialogue with contemporary art : Aargauer Kunsthaus

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Kosmos Emma Kunz : eine Visionärin im Dialog mit zeitgenössischer Kunst : Aargauer Kunsthaus = Emma Kunz cosmos : a visionary in dialogue with contemporary art : Aargauer Kunsthaus

Kosmos Emma Kunz : eine Visionärin im Dialog mit zeitgenössischer Kunst : Aargauer Kunsthaus = Emma Kunz cosmos : a visionary in dialogue with contemporary art : Aargauer Kunsthaus

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Emma Kunz (1892-1963) was a Swiss healer and artist. Born to a family of weavers, her abilities of telepathy, prophecy, and as a healer became evident early in life and she began to exercise her divining pendulum as a young adult. Although never formally trained in art, in 1938 she also began to produce large-scale, delicate geometric drawings using her divining pendulum. With her work based on the questions she encountered and the visions she had, Kunz proved to be an accomplished and even visionary artist. Fascination with Kunz's art has never been greater than it is today. Living a secluded life, far from any art scene, the works she created eighty years ago exemplify what we now take for granted: an expanded concept of creativity that rejects the question of art versus non-art and incorporates a wide range of topics: research, medicine, nature, as well as supernatural, magical, animistic, and visionary elements.00Published to coincide with a major exhibition at Aargauer Kunsthaus in Switzerland, where the first-ever public display of Emma Kunz's drawings was staged in 1973, this book sets her drawings and activities as a healer in dialogue with the work and positions of contemporary artists such as Agnieszka Brzez'anþska, Joachim Koester, Goshka Macuga, Shana Moulton, Rivane Neuenschwander, and Mai-Thu Perret. Alongside some 120 illustrations, mostly in color, the book features essays on spirituality and esotericism in contemporary art as well as interviews with the artists mentioned. An innovative exhibition tour via 3-D laser scan technology completes the book. Exhibition: Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland (23.01. - 24.05.2021).
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NC 293 .K825 A4 2021 1 BOOK AUTOSTORE