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Galactic patrol
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Galactic patrol

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The space-pirates of Boskone raided at will, menacing the whole structure of interstellar civilization. Master-minded by a super-scientist, their conquering fleets outgunned even the mighty space cruisers of the Galactic Patrol. When Lensman Kim Kinnison of the Patrol discovered the secret Boskonian base, it was invulnerable to outside attack. But where a battle-fleet would meet insuperable resistance, a single infiltrator might penetrate the Boskonian defenses - if he had the guts to take on million-to-one odds. Kinnison had guts enough to take on the odds - even with the future of the civilized Universe riding on his shoulders ... Galactic Patrol is the first self-contained novel in E.E. 'Doc' Smith's epic Lensman series, one of the all-time classics of adventurous, galaxy-spanning science fiction.
Orion Publishing Co
9781473224704, 1473224705
Item info:
2 items available
2 items total in all locations
Holdings :
Call Number Copies Material Location
PS 3537 .M349 G35 2019 2 BOOK AUTOSTORE