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14 result(s) for "Buller, Jeffrey L., author"
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Positive Academic Leadership
The alternative to negative academic leadership is a style that is essentially positive, taking its cues fromthe movement known as positive psychology. Rather than devoting all of one’s attention to solving problems, it emphasizes strengthening what’s working well. The difference between negative and positive leadership may be best understood by contrasting why one goes to a doctor and why one goes to a personal trainer. The former tries to heal what’s ailing; the latter tries to strengthen what’s healthy. Positive academic leaders are equivalent to personal trainers for the programs they lead, and the result can be a truly transformative academic experience. This new bookgives academic leaders newinsights and practical tools, as well as language and strategies, for fostering a more constructive leadership style that plays to the strengths rather than the weaknesses of their institutions.
Building academic leadership capacity
A clear, systematic road map to effective campus leadership development Building Academic Leadership Capacity gives institutions the knowledge they need to invest in the next generation of academic leaders. With a clear, generalizable, systematic approach, this book provides insight into the elements of successful academic leadership and the training that makes it effective. Readers will explore original research that facilitates systematic, continuous program development, augmented by the authors' own insight drawn from experience establishing such programs. Numerous examples of current campus programs illustrate the concepts in action, and reflection questions lead readers to assess how they can apply these concepts to their own programs. The academic leader is the least studied and most misunderstood management position in America. Demands for accountability and the complexities of higher education leadership are increasing, and institutions need ways to shape leaders at the department chair, dean, and executive levels of all functions and responsibilities. This book provides a road map to an effective development program, whether the goal is to revamp an existing program or build one from the ground up. Readers will learn to: -Develop campus leadership programs in a more systematic manner -Examine approaches that have been proven effective at other institutions -Consider how these approaches could be applied to your institution -Give leaders the skills they need to overcome any challenge The field of higher education offers limited opportunity to develop leaders, so institutions must invest in and grow campus leaders themselves. All development programs are not created equal, so it's important to have the most effective methods in place from day one. For the institution seeking a better way to invest in the next generation of campus leaders, Building Academic Leadership Capacity is a valuable resource.
A toolkit for department chairs
A Toolkit for Department Chairs is designed to give academic administrators the skills they need in order to do their jobs more effectively. Combining case studies, scenarios, practical advice, and problem solving activities, the book offers chairs a valuable resource for negotiating the real-life challenges they face as academic leaders. Many of the case studies and scenarios included in this book have been field tested by the co-authors in over thirty years of administrative training workshops.
Best Practices for Faculty Search Committees
The essential guidebook for effective faculty hiring committees Best Practices for Faculty Search Committees presents a clear, direct action plan for faculty and administration involved in hiring. Written by a veteran university administrator, this book lays out a step-by-step process for selecting the right candidate for the job. Practical guidance on application review, interviewing, and evaluation walks you through established and effective methods, while case studies and examples from a variety of institutions provide insight into real-world implementation. Whether you're serving on a faculty search committee for the first time, or simply seeking a more efficient route to the best candidate, this book provides invaluable guidance that can streamline the search and selection process. Tenure-track and long-term opportunities don't come about every day, so it's essential for hiring committees to make the correct choice. While the search process may be codified to an extent by your institution, there is still plenty of room for error or misjudgment; this book helps you keep the process on track and moving forward until the best candidate is identified. * Develop criteria for efficient and informative application review * Conduct in-depth interviews that provide a clear picture of fit * Evaluate final candidates on the most pertinent points for the job Most faculty search resources are technical in nature, with little guidance on getting the job done properly and efficiently; best practices tend to be unwritten, and frequently verge into \"habit\" rather than critically evaluated method. Best Practices for Faculty Search Committees provides clear, concise, concrete guidance for a more efficient, effective, and successful candidate search.
Academic Leadership Day by Day
It can seem at times as though all of academic administration today is focused only on the need for continual change and the endless pursuit of \"the big idea.\" But most academic leaders, from department chairs and program directors through university presidents and chancellors, are far too busy helping their institutions flourish for them to divert critical energy and resources to yet another untried theory or management principle. Academic Leadership Day by Day takes an entirely different approach to developing your proven academic leadership: It introduces one practical and field-tested idea each day for an entire academic year. Rather than requiring you to devote days or even weeks to administrative training (which may prove to be of little use in the end), this manual gives you no-nonsense suggestions that you can consider on even your busiest days. Experiment with the suggestions made each day, discover what works for you, and then build on your successes for the benefit of your institution and its programs. Significant improvements often result from small, gradual, and consistent efforts, and Academic Leadership Day by Day is your guide to becoming a more accomplished, confident academic leader a few minutes at a time.
Going for the gold
What do faculty members, academic administrators, or development officers need to know if they want to be successful fundraisers in higher education? Colleges and universities are such complex institutions that it is difficult for those who work in development to understand how the academic side of the institution operates and difficult for college professors and administrators to understand the technicalities and legal requirements that affect the development side of the institution. Going for the Gold demystifies these worlds for anyone interested in higher education fundraising and provides practical, field-tested tools that everyone involved in academic development will want in his or her toolkit.
Change Leadership in Higher Education
Initiate innovation and get things done with a guide to the process of academic change Change Leadership in Higher Education is a call to action, urging administrators in higher education to get proactive about change. The author applies positive and creative leadership principles to the issue of leading change in higher education, providing a much-needed blueprint for changing the way change happens, and how the system reacts. Readers will examine four different models of change and look at change itself through ten different analytical lenses to highlight the areas where the current approach could be beneficially altered. The book accounts for the nuances in higher education culture and environment, and helps administrators see that change is natural and valuable, and can be addressed in creative and innovative ways. The traditional model of education has been disrupted by MOOCs, faculty unions, online instruction, helicopter parents, and much more, leaving academic leaders accustomed to managing change. Leading change, however, is unfamiliar territory. This book is a guide to being proactive about change in a way that ensures a healthy future for the institution, complete with models and tools that help lead the way. Readers will: * Learn to lead change instead of simply \"managing\" it * Examine different models of change, and redefine existing approaches * Discover a blueprint for changing the process of change * Analyze academic change through different lenses to gain a wider perspective Leading change involves some challenges, but this useful guide is a strong conceptual and pragmatic resource for forecasting those challenges, and going in prepared. Administrators and faculty no longer satisfied with the status quo can look to Change Leadership in Higher Education for real, actionable guidance on getting change accomplished.
A toolkit for college professors
A Toolkit for College Professors is designed to give new and established faculty members the skills they need in order to do their jobs more effectively. Combining case studies, scenarios, practical advice, and problem-solving activities, this book offers college professors a valuable resource for excelling in the classroom, lab, studio, library, and beyond.