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7 result(s) for "Carbaugh, Samuel, illustrator"
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Comics : investigate the history and technology of American cartooning
\"While learning the history of American cartooning, including key moments in technology history, young comics artists will follow step-by-step instructions for transforming their own doodles into comic art that displays confidence and creative thinking.\"--Page 4 of cover.
The Vietnam War
In The Vietnam War, kids ages 12 to 15 explore the global conditions and history that gave rise to the Vietnam War, the reasons why the United States became increasingly embroiled in the conflict, and the varied causes of its shocking defeat. As readers learn about how the fear of the spread of communism spurred the United States to enter a war that was erupting on the other side of the world, they find themselves immersed in the mood and mindset of the Vietnam Era.
World War II : from the rise of the Nazi party to the dropping of the atomic bomb
\"Why did the world find itself immersed in another global conflict only two decades after Worl War I? World War II: From the Rise of the Nazi Party to the Dropping of the Atomic Bomb introduces kids ages 12 to 15 to the political, military, and cultural forces that shook the globe from 1939 to 1945 and beyond. This book offers a clear examination of the events leading up to, during, and after WWII and the repercussions of these events on populations around the world, including the Holocaust, the systemic murder of 11 million people.\" -- back cover.
Globalization : why we care about faraway events
Is your salad drizzled with olive oil imported from Italy? What country made the car that your parents drive? Globalization connects us today more than ever before, and in ways we never expected, and populations around the world are questioning whether this is a purely beneficial circumstance or if we should take steps to scale back our interrelatedness. Globalization: Why We Care About Faraway Events delves into the nature and history of interconnected relationships between the governments, businesses, media, and industries all around the world and asks pressing questions about the future.
The Civil War : the struggle that divided America
Explores the conflicts leading up to and through the Civil War, discussing the economic role slavery had in the South, the rapid territorial expansion of the United States, and the lives of soldiers during the war.
Chemistry : investigate the matter that makes up your world
Introduces the world of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Learn how atoms and molecules combine to form ordinary objects, such as a chair, the water in a glass, and even people.