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245 result(s) for "Falcke, Heino"
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The current ability to test theories of gravity with black hole shadows
Our Galactic Centre, Sagittarius A*, is believed to harbour a supermassive black hole, as suggested by observations tracking individual orbiting stars1,2. Upcoming submillimetre very-long baseline interferometry images of Sagittarius A* carried out by the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration (EHTC)3,4 are expected to provide critical evidence for the existence of this supermassive black hole5,6. We assess our present ability to use EHTC images to determine whether they correspond to a Kerr black hole as predicted by Einstein’s theory of general relativity or to a black hole in alternative theories of gravity. To this end, we perform general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations and use general-relativistic radiative-transfer calculations to generate synthetic shadow images of a magnetized accretion flow onto a Kerr black hole. In addition, we perform these simulations and calculations for a dilaton black hole, which we take as a representative solution of an alternative theory of gravity. Adopting the very-long baseline interferometry configuration from the 2017 EHTC campaign, we find that it could be extremely difficult to distinguish between black holes from different theories of gravity, thus highlighting that great caution is needed when interpreting black hole images as tests of general relativity. The authors predict the ability of the Event Horizon Telescope (in its 2017 campaign) to distinguish between different theories of gravity based on images of Sagittarius A*; they suggest that it will not be possible.
State-of-the-art energetic and morphological modelling of the launching site of the M87 jet
M87 has been the target of numerous astronomical observations across the electromagnetic spectrum, and very long baseline interferometry has resolved an edge-brightened jet1–4. However, the origin and formation of its jets remain unclear. In our current understanding, black holes (BH) are the driving engine of jet formation5, and indeed the recent Event Horizon Telescope observations revealed a ring-like structure in agreement with theoretical models of accretion onto a rotating Kerr BH6. In addition to the spin of the BH being a potential source of energy for the launching mechanism, magnetic fields are believed to play a key role in the formation of relativistic jets7,8. A priori, the spin, a⋆, of the BH in M87⋆ is unknown; however, when accounting for the estimates of the X-ray luminosity and jet power, values of a⋆≳0.5 appear favoured6. Besides the properties of the accretion flow and the BH spin, the radiation microphysics including the particle distribution (thermal6 and non-thermal9,10) as well as the particle acceleration mechanism11 play a crucial role. We show that general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations and general relativistic radiative transfer calculations can reproduce the broadband spectrum from the radio to the near-infrared regime and simultaneously match the observed collimation profile of M87, thus allowing us to set rough constraints on the dimensionless spin of M87* to be 0.5 ≲ a⋆ ≲ 1.0, with higher spins being possibly favoured. General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations with general relativistic radiative transfer reproduce remarkably well the broadband spectrum and morphology of the innermost jet of M87, allowing some first rough constraints on the spin of M87*.
Detection of ultra high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos with lunar orbital radio telescope
Particle cascades induced by ultra-high-energy (UHE) cosmic rays and neutrinos impacting on the lunar regolith usually radiate Cherenkov radio emissions due to the presence of excess negative charge, which is known as Askaryan effect. Several experiments have been carried out to detect the Cherenkov radio emissions in the lunar regolith. To prepare for future lunar Ultra-Long Wavelength (ULW, frequencies below 30 MHz) radio astronomy missions, we study the detection of the Cherenkov radio emissions with the ULW radio telescope that are operating at the lunar orbit. We have carried out instrument modelling and analytic calculations for the analysis of aperture, flux and event rate, and the analyses show the detectability of the Cherenkov radiation. Based on the properties of the Cherenkov radiation, we have demonstrated that the cosmic ray and neutrino events could be reconstructed with the three ULW vector antennas onboard the lunar satellites via measurements of the Askaryan radio pulse intensity, polarizations, etc. The results obtained by this study would be useful for future lunar radio explorer mission, where the detections of UHE cosmic rays and neutrinos could be successfully attempted.
The inner few parsecs at the Galactic Center have come under intense scrutiny in recent years, in part due to the exciting broad-band observations of this region, but also because of the growing interest from theorists motivated to study the physics of black hole accretion, magnetized gas dynamics, and unusual star formation. The Galactic Center is now known to contain arguably the most compelling supermassive black hole candidate, weighing in at a little over 2.6 million suns. Its interaction with the nearby environment, comprised of clusters of evolved and young stars, a molecular dusty ring, ionized gas streamers, diffuse hot gas, and a hypernova remnant, is providing a wealth of accretion phenomenology and high-energy processes for detailed modeling. In this review, we summarize the latest observational results and focus on the physical interpretation of the most intriguing object in this region-the compact radio source Sgr A*, thought to be the radiative manifestation of the supermassive black hole.
Imaging black holes: past, present and future
This paper briefly reviews past, current, and future efforts to image black holes. Black holes seem like mystical objects, but they are an integral part of current astrophysics and are at the center of attempts to unify quantum physics and general relativity. Yet, nobody has ever seen a black hole. What do they look like? Initially, this question seemed more of an academic nature. However, this has changed over the past two decades. Observations and theoretical considerations suggest that the supermassive black hole, Sgr A*, in the center of our Milky Way is surrounded by a compact, foggy emission region radiating at and above 230 GHz. It has been predicted that the event horizon of Sgr A* should cast its shadow onto that emission region, which could be detectable with a global VLBI array of radio telescopes. In contrast to earlier pictures of black holes, that dark feature is not supposed to be due to a hole in the accretion flow, but would represent a true negative image of the event horizon. Currently, the global Event Horizon Telescope consortium is attempting to make such an image. In the future those images could be improved by adding more telescopes to the array, in particular at high sites in Africa. Ultimately, a space array at THz frequencies, the Event Horizon Imager, could produce much more detailed images of black holes. In combination with numerical simulations and precise measurements of the orbits of stars - ideally also of pulsars - these images will allow us to study black holes with unprecedented precision.
Radio burst caught red-handed
FRBs are radio signals that are so short and elusive that astronomers have been unable to tell exactly where they come from. On page 58, Chatterjee et al.2 report the localization of an FRB with impressively high precision. However, what they saw there is not what anyone had expected.
Millimeter-Wave Monitoring of Active Galactic Nuclei with the Africa Millimetre Telescope
Active galactic nuclei are the dominant sources of gamma rays outside our galaxy and are also candidates for the source of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. In addition to being emitters of broad-band non-thermal radiation throughout the electromagnetic spectrum, their emission is highly variable on timescales from years to minutes. Hence, high-cadence monitoring observations are needed to understand their emission mechanisms. The Africa Millimetre Telescope is planned to be the first mm-wave radio telescope on the African continent and one of few in the southern hemisphere. Further to contributing to the global mm-VLBI observations with the Event Horizon Telescope, substantial amounts of observation time will be available for monitoring observations of active galactic nuclei. Here we review the scientific scope of the Africa Millimetre Telescope for monitoring of active galactic nuclei at mm-wavelengths.
Geometric Distance and Proper Motion of the Triangulum Galaxy (M33)
We measured the angular rotation and proper motion of the Triangulum Galaxy (M33) with the Very Long Baseline Array by observing two H₂O masers on opposite sides of the galaxy. By comparing the angular rotation rate with the inclination and rotation speed, we obtained a distance of 730 ± 168 kiloparsecs. This distance is consistent with the most recent Cepheid distance measurement. M33 is moving with a velocity of 190 ± 59 kilometers per second relative to the Milky Way. These measurements promise a method to determine dynamical models for the Local Group and the mass and dark-matter halos of M31, M33, and the Milky Way.
Detection of the Intrinsic Size of Sagittarius A through Closure Amplitude Imaging
We have detected the intrinsic size of Sagittarius A*, the Galactic center radio source associated with a supermassive black hole, showing that the short-wavelength radio emission arises from very near the event horizon of the black hole. Radio observations with the Very Long Baseline Array show that the source has a size of$24 \\pm 2$Schwarzschild radii at 7-millimeter wavelength. In one of eight 7-millimeter epochs, we also detected an increase in the intrinsic size of$60_{-17}^{+25}%$. These observations place a lower limit to the mass density of Sagittarius A* of 1.4 × 104solar masses per cubic astronomical unit.