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7 result(s) for "Franchetti, Matthew J"
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Life Cycle Based GHG Emissions from Algae Based Bioenergy with a Special Emphasis on Climate Change Indicators and Their Uses in Dynamic LCA: A Review
Life cycle-based analysis is a key to understand these biofuels’ climate benefits. This manuscript provides a state-of-the-art review of current biofuel production, primarily through algae-based routes. Standalone biofuel production has an unfavorable environmental and energy footprint. Therefore, industrial symbiosis is required to reduce the environmental impacts of biofuel. The availability of waste heat, CO2, renewable energy, and colocation of other industries, especially renewable energy and dairy firms, have been demonstrated beneficial for producing biofuel through the algal route. Dynamic life cycle assessment (DLCA) issues were discussed in detail. DLCA is one of the highlighted areas of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) paradigm that can improve the applicability of climate change indicators used in the LCA. Various climate change indicators, global warming potential (GWP), global temperature change (GTP), and climate tipping point (CTP) were discussed in detail. Special emphasis was given to waste-based bioenergy production and its LCA as this route provided the lowest GHG emissions compared to the other bioenergy production pathways (e.g., from energy crops, using lignocellulosic biomass, etc.). The use of LCA results and modification of life cycle inventory (e.g., modification in the form of the regional energy mix, dynamic Life Cycle Inventory (LCI), etc.) was another highlight of this study. Such modifications need to be incorporated if one wants to improve the applicability of LCA results for net zero target analysis.
Sunlight Intensity, Photosynthetically Active Radiation Modelling and Its Application in Algae-Based Wastewater Treatment and Its Cost Estimation
In algal pond used for treating wastewater, a part of the solar radiation (PAR) is used by algae for photosynthesis, and rest of the solar energy is wasted. To date, no studies have been conducted that optimize these aspects (wasted solar radiation for heat production) from an operational cost perspective. Therefore, a model is developed for the estimation of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from solar radiation. Subsequently, derived PAR was utilized in the optimization algorithm. Experimental data on PAR and solar radiation were used to obtain empirical parameters of the developed model. Using empirical parameters, diurnal PAR was estimated for other locations for which the diurnal variation of solar radiation was not available. Afterwards, the estimated solar radiation was used to obtain the cost of algal biomass production using wastewater. For this purpose, a cost function was minimized. The cost function contains various cost components of algae-based wastewater treatment. The major costs of the treatment were incurred by the sunlight harvesting, and distribution equipment, whereas the major income was registered through the conversion of sunlight to heat and biomass production. The yearly cost of treating 1m3 wastewater in the proposed wastewater treatment plant could be varied from 186 to −44 (Rs, INR). The capital cost of constructing a proposed treatment plant having a capacity of 1000 m3/day varied from 11–45 crores INR.
Carbon footprint analysis
The negative impacts of carbon emissions from human activities continue to dramatically reshape the environmental, political, and social landscape. These impacts coupled with cap and trade schemes iterate the importance and need to properly measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon Footprint Analysis: Concepts, Methods, Implementation, an
Energy Assessments for Industrial Complexes
This e-book discusses methods that businesses may employ to reduce energy costs related to managing industrial buildings through environmentally sustainable methods. There are several chapters covering various aspects of energy assessments and each chapter is linked to case histories that are given in the appendix. The chapters cover energy efficient methods for managing lighting, insulation, machines, air conditioning and much more. Information needed during the assessment process is also supplemented in tables. Readers who wish to gain a better understanding of[] the many ways to reduce energy consumption can benefit from this book.