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58 result(s) for "French, Vivian"
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عنزة الجبال
تدور أحداث قصة (عنزة الجبال) والتي قامت بتأليفها \"فيفيان فرانش\" في حوالي (23) صفحة من القطع المتوسط، حول عنزة صغيرة تعيش في الجبال وتزرع الأزهار. لكنها لا تجيد القيام بأي شيء آخر، فهي لا تجيد القفز كبقية الماعز. ذات يوم التقت بالأسد المفترس لكنها لم تهرب فزعا واستغرب الأسد وعرض عليها أن ترتدي نظارتيه، إذ ربما لا ترى جيدا وبالفعل ما إن وضعت النظارات حتى صارت ترى كل شي بوضوح، فقفزت فوق الصخور هاربة من الأسد المفترس، الذي تدحرج من قمة الجبل إلى سفحه لعدم قدرته على الرؤية بلا نظارات.
Education: Usepaper: Essential resources for parents and teachers: 31.10 - 6.11.00: Books Eating
The Last Chocolate Biscuit, by Jamie Rix (Walker, pounds 4.99) It's rare to find a fresh new take on the vexed question of table manners, but Rix has managed it with this gloriously daft romp of a story along with an hilarious set of pictures by the irrepressible Arthur Robins. It's marvellous to read out loud, and it's also quite possible for a non-reader to study the pictures and make a pretty fair guess at everything that's going on, as Maurice does exactly as he is told and offers the last chocolate biscuit to everyone - even Maurice Monster in outer space. Fortunately space monsters have to mind their manners too, and Maurice gets home again . . . to find a final twist in the tale. Hugely entertaining all round.
The bag of bones
\"Deep magic is afoot, with an evil witch, Truda Hangnail, trying to scheme her way to becoming Queen in Wadingburn. Loobly Dirty, an orphan, sees Truda shrink her 'Auntie,' head of the infamously ineffectual but good witches of Wadingburn, and her coven down to rat size. Meanwhile, Gracie is staying with the Ancient Crones, who send her and faithful Gubble out to try to fix the Deep Magic stain that is quickly spreading on their magic web. Through several meandering paths, all the returning heroes and the newest ones, Loobly, her rat friends, and Alf, come together to defeat the Deep Magic.\"
Usepaper: Books: Bedtime stories
Two longer, stronger books . . . firstly Elsie Piddock Skips in her Sleep (Walker Books, pounds 10.99). Written in 1937 by that most perfect of storytellers, Eleanor Farjeon, the tale of Elsie Piddock and how she saved the fairies' skipping ground could last over two nights - but the magic of the words will undoubtedly carry you past any lights-out limitations. If you need any further persuasion, make a note that the illustrations are by Charlotte Voake, who has to be half fairy herself to be able to draw such exquisitely delicate pictures. The above books are available direct from the Culture Shop on 0800 316 6102 or send a cheque to Guardian CultureShop, 250 Western Avenue, London W3 6EE. Discounted prices are: Six Dinner Sid by [Inga Moore] (pounds 4.99 + free p&p); Sloth's Shoes (pounds 4.99 + free p&p); My Duck by [Tanya Linch] (pounds 7.99 plus 99p p&p); King of the Supermarket (pounds 3.99+ free p&p); Elsie Piddock Skips in her Sleep, (pounds 7.99 + 99p p&p); The Silver Swan (pounds 8.99 + 99p p&p).
The heart of glass
Gracie Gillypott and Prince Marcus embark on a dwarf-watching outing, not knowing that the dwarves are working frantically making crowns for a royal wedding and that they have enlisted some unreliable trolls to help them, thus putting the humans' expedition in peril.
The kitten with no name
Poor lost Kitten. He doesn't have a name or a home to call his own. All he wants is to find a warm and cosy place where someone will love him. Will anyone help this little kitten?
أنا والبيضة
تدور قصة هذا الكتاب \"أنا والبيضة\" عن طفل صغير يتنقل في البلدة باحثا عن شيء يأكله فهو تارة يعطش وتارة يجوع ثم يتعب ويتسخ حتى يجد بيضة دجاجة في نهاية الأمر وفي قصة قصيرة يظهر لنا الطفل كل الحالات التي يمكن للأولاد المرور فيها وقصة مخصصة للأطفال تستهدف الطفولة وتعمل على استثمار الطفل في بناء المهارات المختلفة المرتبطة بالخيال والابتكار وقوة الشخصية والبحث عن حلول إبداعية وتستمد الطفل الكثير من العلم والمعرفة والمعلومات.
Education: Books problem-solvers
Sibling rivalry, the new baby, temper tantrums, night terrors, fussy eaters . . . the list goes on. Whatever problem your child has there's sure to be a relevant book. Or fifteen. And very helpful they may be. But what about reading to the under-6s for sheer fun? Reading to celebrate the daftness and idiosyncracies of life? Shoe Shoe Baby (David and Charles, pounds 9.99) fits the bill exactly. Written by Bernard Lodge and illustrated by his daughter, Katherine, it's a dotty story about the shoes in a shoe shop - and the weird and wonderful characters who come to buy them. (Look out for Conchita from Costa Rica who gets shoes with a view!) Both words and pictures are a total delight; it's fresh, funny and truly original. The Hairy Toe (Walker Books, pounds 4.99) is guaranteed to have the nervous refusing to go to bed ever again (especially if they just happen to have picked up a hairy toe), but the tough will love it. Daniel Postgate has illustrated this traditional American tale with real gusto: watch that huge dark shadow coming nearer . . . and nearer . . . and nearer. Any parent who enjoys showing off will have a ball with the SWOOSH of the wind and the CRE-E-EAK of the floor, let alone moaning \"Where's my Hair-r-ry To-o-oe? Who's got my Hair-r-ry To-o- oe?\"