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12 result(s) for "Galloway, Jeff, 1945-"
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Cross-country running
In this work, Galloway shares his expert knowledge and provides detailed advice for cross-country runners on how to build endurance, train and race on hills, run on varied terrain, and much more.
Running until you're 100 : a guide to lifelong running
Running Until You're 100 is the must-have guide that will keep runners fit as they age and help them run for life. Using Jeff Galloway's proven Run Walk Runa. method, this book offers step-by-step programs for runners in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s. These programs make the needed adjustments for each decade, which means the runner can enjoy exercise and enhance life without injury. Also included is advice on nutrition and fat burning as well as how to determine current fitness level, set appropriate goals, and stay injury free. Using these run-walk, low-mileage programs will benefit the bones, joints, and heart, and most runners are able to enjoy running with fewer aches and pains. With this book, anyone can run until they're 100!
Mental training for runners : no more excuses!
\"If you're always looking for any excuse to not go running, this book is for you! Whether you're an athlete or just want to stay fit and exercise, you need to train your mind just as much as you train your body! It's easy to find excuses and stay at home, but with Jeff Galloway's mental training strategies you will find yourself staying motivated and setting and reaching new goals in no time\"--Back cover.
Women's complete guide to running
\"This is the book that will take any woman, at any fitness level, into the running lifestyle. Jeff Galloway, a US Olympian in 1972, has helped over 150,000 people make this journey while reducing or eliminating aches, pains, and injuries suffered during most training programs. Jeff developed the Run Walk Runھ method of training, and together with his wife Barbara, he offers a step-by-step program specifically designed for the needs and concerns of women. Included are lots of tips on staying motivated, building endurance, selecting shoes, stretching, and strengthening, as well as making smart nutrition choices, and much more.\"--Page 4 of cover
America's best trails : the most beautiful places to run
\"Running isn't only good for your body; it can be good for your soul as well; especially if you're running outdoors on some of America's most beautiful running trails. Jeff Galloway, author of the bestselling running instruction book in North America, and his son Brennan present some of their favorite and most scenic places to run or walk in the United States. This list includes places in almost all of the 50 states, divided geographically from West to East. Each route has directions to the trail head and special instructions to enjoy the area. Beautiful pictures of the scenery and historical facts of the area or trail round out each listing. While most of the routes are places to run anytime, America's Best Trails also includes running events, such as the Big Sur International and the Big Wild Life Run. To prepare you for your runs, Jeff Galloway includes tips on training for trail running, dealing with elevation, running uphill and downhill, terrain issues, and endurance. Time-tested suggestions for choosing footwear, clothing, drinks, and energy snacks are also provided. America's Best Trails is a running book, a travel book and more it's an inspiration for every runner and walker!'-- Provided by publisher.