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16 result(s) for "Griffiths, Andy, 1961-"
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The 78-story treehouse
\"Andy and Terry live in a 78-story treehouse. (It used to be a 65-story treehouse, but they just keep building more levels!) It has a drive-through car wash, a courtroom with a robot judge called Edward Gavelhead, a scribbletorium, ... and an open-air movie theater with a super-giant screen... which is a very useful thing to have now that Terry's going to be a big-shot movie star! After Andy gets cut out of the movie, he and Terry have a huge fight and decide they don't want to be best friends anymore. But with a herd of sneaky spy cows out to steal all their ideas, can Andy and Terry make up before it's too late?\"--Back cover.
The 104-storey treehouse
Join Andy and Terry in their wonderfully wild and wacky 104-storey treehouse. You can throw some refrigerators, make money with the money-making machine (or honey if you'd prefer, it makes that too), climb the never-ending staircase, have a bunfight, deposit some burps in the burp bank, get totally tangled up in the tangled-up level, or just take some time out and relax in the beautiful sunny meadow full of buttercups, butterflies and bluebirds. Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!
The 91-storey treehouse
Join Andy and Terry in their now 91-storey spectacular treehouse. They've added thirteen new levels, including the world's most powerful whirlpool, a mashed-potato-and-gravy train and a human pinball machine. Why not try your luck on the spin-and-win prize wheel or hang out in a giant spider web (with a giant spider), or you can always get your fortune told by Madam Know-it-all or eat a submarine sandwich the size of an actual submarine while deciding whether or not to push the big red button ... Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!
The 26-storey treehouse
If you are like most readers, you are probably wondering just how Andy and Terry met. Well, it is a long story, but a pretty exciting one, and it is mostly true! Come on up, choose a hammock, and they will tell you all about it (just do not go in the maze - they are still ironing out a few bugs). This book is for everyone who loved The 13-Storey Treehouse and is willing and ready to climb even higher with more crazy adventures!
The 117-storey treehouse
Andy and Terry have added another thirteen levels of crazy fun to their every-growing treehouse. They've got a tiny-horse level, a pyjama-party room, an Underpants Museum and Treehouse Information Centre. But Andy and Terry have found themselves running from the Story Police and the only way to escape, is through the terrifying Door of Doom.
The 39-storey treehouse
Andy and Terry's amazing treehouse has thirteen new levels! They've added a chocolate waterfall you can swim in, a volcano for toasting marshmallows, a bulldozer-battling level, a baby-dinosaur-petting zoo, a not-very-merry merry-go-round, a boxing elephant called the Trunkinator, an X-ray room, a disco with light-up dance floor, the world's scariest roller coaster and a top-secret thirty-ninth level which hasn't even been finished yet! But what good is all this stuff when Andy and Terry are trying to write their fastest book ever? You'll have to read it to find out!
The 65-storey treehouse
Andy and Terry's amazing 65-Storey Treehouse now has a pet-grooming salon, a birthday room where it's always your birthday (even when it's not), a room full of exploding eyeballs, a lollipop shop, a quicksand pit, an ant farm, a time machine and Tree-NN: a 24-hour-a-day TV news centre keeping you up to date with all the latest treehouse news, current events and gossip. Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!
The 65-story treehouse
Andy and Terry travel through time trying to save their treehouse from highly talented, angry ants and Inspector Bubblewrap the building inspector while rushing to meet their publisher's deadline.