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19 result(s) for "Gurevich, Margaret, author"
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Runway rundown
As fashion week approaches, Chloe's internship expands to take in a third department, Public Relations, which is exciting and fun--but when she is pulled in as a guest judge on this year's Teen Design Diva show, her frantic schedule interferes with her relationship with Jake, her boyfriend.
Design diva
Sixteen-year-old Chloe Montgomery is a fashion addict from Santa Cruz, California, who loves to design her own clothes, so when her favorite show, Design Diva, announces a new show, Teen Design Diva, she decides to audition--though with some trepidation.
The first cut
Both sixteen-year-old Chloe Montgomery and her long time rival, Nina, have made it through the first round of the California Teen Design Diva audition--but more rounds lie ahead and each round promises to be more challenging than the one before.
Having made it all the way through the Teen Design Diva auditions, sixteen-year-old Chloe Montgomery and her long-time rival, Nina, have arrived in New York where the rest of the competition will be filmed--and the contestants will face seven challenges, and the first takes them to the Central Park Zoo.
Design destiny
As the design competition progresses, contestants are eliminated until only three are left for the final challenge: Chloe, Nina, and Derek--but only one can win the grand prize of an internship in New York.
Making the cut
\"16-year-old Chloe has always loved everything to do with fashion. Clothes, accessories, styling, designing--she knows it all. And when she finds out a new reality series for aspiring teenage designers is holding auditions in her town, she's desperate to win a spot on the show. Chloe knows this is her chance to finally get her designs noticed. But before Chloe can realize her dreams, she has to survive the competition\"
Intern ambition
After winning the first season of Teen Design Diva, Chloe Montgomery is excited to be back in New York, staying at the Fashion Institute, making new friends, and embarking on her internship with the famous fashion designer, Stefan Meyers.
Fashion week finale
Fashion week passes in a whirlwind of activity, and when it is over Chloe's summer internship is at an end, but before she packs up and heads back to California and high school she gets a gift from the designers she has worked with--and a surprise invitation.
Design disaster
After a few successful weeks of her internship with the famous fashion designer, Stefan Meyers, Chloe is asked to split her time between different departments--but her mentor in the new department is a very different person, and trying to please two masters at once is turning out to be more than a little stressful.