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15 result(s) for "Hanson-Harding, Alexandra"
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\"'Are you now or have you ever been a Communist?' That question divided Hollywood--and America--during the Cold War.\" (Junior Scholastic) A read-along play about the investigation of Communist influences in Hollywood is presented. Extension activities are included.
How to beat physical bullying
Learn about causes of physical bullying, people who have struggled to cope with this problem, strategies for victims and bystanders on how to stop physical bullying, and what individuals and schools can do. Anti-bullying programs and state laws are also examined.
The Pressure's On
\"Peer pressure--the pressure to behave in ways acceptable to peers (people your age)--makes many kids do things they wouldn't otherwise do.\" (Junior Scholastic) Learn more about the effects of peer pressure in adolescence. The reasons children ages 12 to 14 are most vulnerable to peer pressure are described. The different types of peer pressure are noted. Resources for more information, discussion questions and a quiz activity are included.
Colonial Heroines
\"Hauling buckets of water. Cooking over an open fire. Living in tiny cabins in the wilderness. Many women in colonial America struggled just to survive and raise their families. They faced the same dangers and challenges that men did--but in long skirts, carrying babies in their arms, and with far fewer rights than their husbands and brothers. Yet even in those difficult early days, some exceptional women stood out.\" (Junior Scholastic) Meet four American colonial women who made an impact despite the obstacles that they faced. An early America timeline and comprehension questions are included.
Monster Pets
\"Should you be convicted of murder if your dog kills someone? A jury in California said yes, and sent a woman to prison. Was this the right decision?\" (Junior Scholastic) Read about the legal, ethical, medical and financial consequences of canine violence. Find out how to be safe around dogs and learn how \"nature and nurture\" can make some dogs violent. Discussion questions, a quiz and an extension activity are included.
Genghis Khan
Read about the Mongol Empire and Genghis Khan, the \"Universal Ruler\" who lead the Mongols to conquer most of Asia and eastern Europe. \"By the time he died, in 1227, the Mongol Empire stretched from China to the Caspian Sea. His legacy was, in the words of one writer, 'as terrifying as genocide [mass murder] and as dreadful as the plague.'\" (Junior Scholastic) Discussion questions, extension activities and a quiz are provided.
I love everything about visiting my friends Bob and Ev. The long talks over tea, the stack of trashy magazines we sit around and read, their sunny yet refreshingly messy, relaxed apartment. Well, I love almost everything. There is one fly in the ointment, or rather, claw in the leg: their cat Vic. Vic is a strapping 15-pounder of a jet-black cat. Bob and Ev joke that if he were human he'd have a pack of Lucky Strikes rolled up in his T-shirt sleeve. He walks with a hulking swagger. And his strikes, Lucky or not, are without warning. \"Oh, Vee-ic, you're so bad,\" Ev will say affectionately, picking up this snarling beast who turns docile and even rather sheepish in her arms. \"Oh look, Vic likes to play,\" she says as she makes up a bed for my husband and me.
If You Lived in Ancient Rome
\"What was it like to live in the capital city of the world's greatest empire?\" (Junior Scholastic) Learn more about life in ancient Rome. The living conditions of seven groups of people in ancient Rome are described. Resources for more information, discussion questions and activities are included.