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5 result(s) for "James, Simon, 1961- author, illustrator"
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Mr. Scruff
\"Everyone knows that owners and their dogs belong together in a unique way. Polly belongs to Molly, Eric belongs to Derek, Berry belongs to Terry. But poor Mr. Scruff, alone in the rescue shelter, doesn't belong to anyone. Then a boy named Jim walks in, and they seem to get along. Jim and Mr. Scruff don't look anything alike, and their names certainly don't rhyme, but they may end up belonging to each other just the same. From author-illustrator Simon James comes a warm, winning story about friendship and finding a home. A sweetly silly story of a little boy and a dog who make an unlikely (but perhaps perfect) pair.\"-- Provided by publisher.
Frog and beaver
A charming ecological fable of community and friendship from award-winning author-illustrator Simon James. Frog and his friends all live happily together on the river. At least they do until Beaver comes along. Beaver is determined to build the biggest and best dam that anyone has ever seen, but it's so big that it stops all the water and Frog and his friends are forced to move. Frog tries to warn Beaver that his dam is too big, but busy Beaver just won't listen.
\"Once upon about 65 million years ago, a terrifying tyrannosaurus roams the earth. He spends his days raging through the jungle, scaring every other dinosaur in sight with his fierce roar. Then, one night while he is sleeping, an abandoned egg cracks open and out pops a tiny dinosaur who decides right then and there that this scary tyrannosaurus is his father. And so begins the touching story of a little dino and his search for a dad a tale sure to resonate with families of all stripes.\"--Provided by publisher.
The boy who went to Mars
\"When Stanley's Mom has to go away for work, Stanley decides to take off, too--all the way to Mars. Can the Martian who takes his place on Earth get by in Stanley's family even in Mom's absence?\"-- Back cover.
Baby Brains
Even though the new baby of Mr. and Mrs. Brains is very intelligent, they realize that he is still just a baby.