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1,235 result(s) for "Jelen, Bill"
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Power OneNote
Covering the use of Microsoft OneNote in a wide variety of situations, this handbook provides tips for anyone who takes notes, organizes materials, or keeps a to-do list. In addition to providing the basic information on using the product's interface, this guide teaches how to use OneNote to do specific tasks such as brainstorming, mind mapping, storyboarding, and minutes taking. Also discussed are using OneNote on a Tablet PC, using the existing stationery files to organize notes for a wide variety of classes, and finding OneNote resources online.
Microsoft Excel 2019 VBA and macros
\"Renowned Excel experts Bill Jelen (Mr Excel) and Tracy Syrstad explain how to build more powerful, reliable, and efficient Excel spreadsheets. Use this guide to automate virtually any routine Excel task: save yourself hours, days, maybe even weeks. Make Excel do things you thought were impossible, discover macro techniques you won't find anywhere else, and create automated reports that are amazingly powerful. Bill Jelen and Tracy Syrstad help you instantly visualize information to make it actionable; capture data from anywhere, and use it anywhere; and automate the best new features in Excel 2019 and Excel in Office 365. You'll find simple, step-by-step instructions, real-world case studies, and 50 workbooks packed with examples and complete, easy-to-adapt solutions.\"
The Spreadsheet at 25
From the 1979 invention by two MIT students of the visible calculator to the war between Lotus and Microsoft for dominance in the spreadsheet market, this book is a fascinating look at the software application that helped spur the entire computer industry. This loving look back at the early computer and technology evolution will teach anyone interested in computer history about the MIT students, Bricklin and Frankston, and their unique vision; how Mitch Kapor and Lotus 1-2-3 trumped VisiCalc; how the spreadsheet gave businesses a reason to buy PCs; and how Microsoft came to dominate the market. The book also contains descriptions of 25 amazing spreadsheets that users can download from the book's web site.
PowerPivot Alchemy
Rob Collie (PowerPivotPro) and Bill Jelen (MrExcel) join forces in this combined sequel to their best-selling Power Pivot books. Alchemy sets aside the fundamentals of past books and provides a series of practical, easy-to- follow \"patterns\" for dozens of common analysis, reporting, and dashboarding needs. Three \"bonus\" chapters introduce you to the newer members of the \"Power BI\" family - Power Query, Power View, and Power Map. Whether you are starting your transformation from \"old school\" Excel User to Modern Data Professional or a veteran of the Power BI arts, this book will dramatically expand your data superpowers.
Learn Excel from Mr. Excel
Containing 277 business case studies that illustrate nearly every aspect of Excel, this book presents real-life business problems and works them through to their solutions. In addition to exemplary solutions, each case analysis considers alternate approaches and gotchas, and includes a summary of the necessary commands and functions. Excel files that can be downloaded and worked through step-by-step are included for each case.
Excel for Marketing Managers
The most powerful Microsoft Excel features that can be used to sort through data to produce meaningful marketing analyses are outlined in this manual. Marketing managers will learn the math functions to produce budgets and forecasts, and how to use survey analysis to quickly spot trends using pivot tables and other analysis tools. Ideas for launch schedules, life cycle management, and other date-related information are also presented.
Power Excel with MrExcel
\"Updating the previous edition's tips to include features in Excel 2013, this new edition of Mr. Excel's popular software guide even incorporates suggestions sent in by readers. Each featured topic has a problem statement and description, followed by a broad strategy for solving the problem. Mr. Excel then walks readers through the specific steps to solve the issue. Alternate strategies are also provided, along with common scenarios that trip users up, leaving readers with not only answers to their specific dilemmas but also new and quicker ways to use formulas and spreadsheets.\" --
Power OneNote
Covering the use of Microsoft OneNote in a wide variety of situations, this handbook provides tips for anyone who takes notes, organizes materials, or keeps a to-do list. In addition to providing the basic information on using the product's interface, this guide teaches how to use OneNote to do specific tasks such as brainstorming, mind mapping, storyboarding, and minutes taking. Also discussed are using OneNote on a Tablet PC, using the existing stationery files to organize notes for a wide variety of classes, and finding OneNote resources online.