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6 result(s) for "Kaplan, Rebecca (Editor), editor"
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Food in Vogue
\"Food in Vogue collects the most striking, mouthwatering food photography and finest food writing from one of the most respected magazines in the world. Combining legendary essays by longtime Vogue food critic Jeffrey Steingarten, as well as contributions from rising food writers such as Tamar Adler and Oliver Strand, with original behind-the-scenes interviews, the book pairs portraits of world-renowned or rising chefs along with iconic food photography, much of it shot by Irving Penn and conceived by editor Phyllis Posnick. Food in Vogue examines how Vogue's relationship with and treatment of food has changed in its pages through lavish and challenging food photographs, and its career-defining interviews with the world's hottest chefs. Food in Vogue is more than a book about food. It's a book about trends, fashion, and culture, told through the world's common language\"--Publisher's description.
Imagining the Jewish God
This book presents the possibility of a robust dialogue for all who are committed to critique and enhance the problem of graven images and yet know that even the absent God must be accounted for in contemporary thought. Itincludes the reflections of significant commentators, theologians, philosophers, scholars, and poets.
The New World of Welfare
Congress must reauthorize the sweeping 1996 welfare reform legislation by October 1, 2002. A number of issues that were prominent in the 1995-96 battle over welfare reform are likely to resurface in the debate over reauthorization. Among those issues are the five-year time limit, provisions to reduce out-of-wedlock births, the adequacy of child care funding, problems with Medicaid and food stamp receipt by working families, and work requirements. Funding levels are also certain to be controversial. Fiscal conservatives will try to lower grant spending levels, while states will seek to maintain them and gain additional discretion in the use of funds. Finally, a movement to encourage states to promote marriage among low-income families is already taking shape. The need for reauthorization presents an opportunity to assess what welfare reform has accomplished and what remains to be done. The New World of Welfare is an attempt to frame the policy debate for reauthorization, and to inform the policy discussion among the states and at the federal level, especially by drawing lessons from research on the effects of welfare reform. In the book, a diverse set of welfare experts-liberal and conservative, academic and nonacademic-engage in rigorous debate on topics ranging from work experience programs, to job availability, to child well-being, to family formation. In order to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on welfare reform, the contributors cover subjects including work and wages, effects of reform on family income and poverty, the politics of conservative welfare reform, sanctions and time limits, financial work incentives for low-wage earners, the use of medicaid and food stamps, welfare-to-work, child support, child care, and welfare reform and immigration. Preparation of the volume was supported by funds from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.
Composed of essays from academic women at various professional stages-from established scholars to junior professors to graduate students-this collection illuminates the debates of feminist histories and future legacies, while analyzing the challenges of “passing the torch.” Contributors: Diane Elam, Elizabeth Francis, Linda Frost, Jane Gallop, Dana Heller, Jane Kalbfleisch, Jeanne Marecek, Nancy K. Miller, Mona Narain, Angela M. S. Nelson, Judith Newton, Rebecca Dakin Quinn, Gita Rajan, Judith Roof, Theresa Ann Sears, Ruthe Thompson, Michele Wallace, Barbara A. White, and Lynda Zwinger.