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4 result(s) for "Kitchin, Rob, author"
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The data revolution : a critical analysis of big data, open data and data infrastructures
\"Our world is becoming ever more data-driven, transforming how business is conducted, governance enacted, and knowledge produced. Yet, the nature of data and the scope and implications of the changes taking place are not always clear. The Data Revolution is a must read for anyone interested in why data have become so important in the contemporary era.\" -- Back cover.
After little more than half a century since its initial development, computer code is extensively and intimately woven into the fabric of our everyday lives. From the digital alarm clock that wakes us to the air traffic control system that guides our plane in for a landing, software is shaping our world: it creates new ways of undertaking tasks, speeds up and automates existing practices, transforms social and economic relations, and offers new forms of cultural activity, personal empowerment, and modes of play. In Code/Space, Rob Kitchin and Martin Dodge examine software from a spatial perspective, analyzing the dyadic relationship of software and space. The production of space, they argue, is increasingly dependent on code, and code is written to produce space. Examples of code/space include airport check-in areas, networked offices, and cafés that are transformed into workspaces by laptops and wireless access. Kitchin and Dodge argue that software, through its ability to do work in the world, transduces space. Then Kitchiun and Dodge develop a set of conceptual tools for identifying and understanding the interrelationship of software, space, and everyday life, and illustrate their arguments with rich empirical material. And, finally, they issue a manifesto, calling for critical scholarship into the production and workings of code rather than simply the technologies it enables--a new kind of social science focused on explaining the social, economic, and spatial contours of software.
The Academic's Guide to Publishing
This definitive guide to successfully publishing social science research demonstrates that completing a project is only the first phase of research. Dissemination is the second phase, and it requires specific skills and knowledge. The Academics' Guide to Publishing: explains the different ways in which research can be disseminated: in journals, books, reports, the Internet, popular media, and conferences; demonstrates how the structures, practices and procedures involved work - making them easily understood and transparent; and situates research in the larger and changing context of Higher Education. For postgraduates or academics in the social sciencesThe Academics' Guide to Publishingprovides essential guidance on how to secure a job, how to gain tenure, how to survive research assessment exercises, and how to obtain promotion.
Mapping Cyberspace
Mapping Cyberspace is a ground-breaking geographic exploration and critical reading of cyberspace, and information and communication technologies. The book: * provides an understanding of what cyberspace looks like and the social interactions that occur there * explores the impacts of cyberspace, and information and communication technologies, on cultural, political and economic relations * charts the spatial forms of virutal spaces * details empirical research and examines a wide variety of maps and spatialisations of cyberspace and the information society * has a related website at This book will be a valuable addition to the growing body of literature on cyberspace and what it means for the future. Martin Dodge is a researcher and computer technician at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College, London. Rob Kitchin is a lecturer in Human Geography at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. 'Mapping Cyberspace is an important pioneering work. The authors have performed a valuable service and have produced an essential reference for anyone seriously interested in the spatial, social, economic and cultural implications of telecommunications infrastructure and cyberspace.' - William J Mitchell, Environment and Planning 'The book provides a clear and broad introduction to major theoretical. Methodical, and empirical issues related to cyberspace research. Mapping Cyberspace is a critical first stop for any researcher interested in contributing new knowledge in this exciting emerging field.' - Joshua Lepawsky, University of Kentucky for Cultural Geographies